GVU's Internet Shopping Questionnaire

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Each question is divided into two parts. Please use the column on the left labeled Personal to describe how you use the web to find product and service information for yourself and/or your family. Please use the column on the right labeled Professional to describe how you use the web to find product and service information for your job or business. If either category does not apply to you, please choose Not Applicable for each question in that column.
What kind of information do you look for on the web when selecting a product/service?
(Please check all that apply.)
Personal  Professional

Detailed information
Price comparisons
Location of store
Availability of product/service
Other information
Not Applicable

On average, how many minutes do you spend searching before you find the first piece of useful product/service information?
Personal  Professional

Less than 5 minutes
5 - 15 minutes
15 - 30 minutes
30 - 60 minutes
More than 60 minutes
Don't know
Not Applicable

When you are intentionally searching for product/service information, what percentage of the time do you find what you are looking for?
Personal  Professional

All (close to 100%)
Most (close to 75%)
Half (close to 50%)
Few (close to 25%)
None (close to 0%)
Not Applicable

How many minutes on average does it take you to give up a search if you cannot find the product/service information you were looking for?
Personal  Professional

Less than 5 minutes
5 - 15 minutes
15 - 30 minutes
30 - 60 minutes
More than 60 minutes
Don't know
Not Applicable

Have you had a dissatisfying experience with a web site (that provides product/service information) that caused you to leave the site and look at another vendor's web site instead? If so, what were the reasons?
(Please check all that apply.)
Personal  Professional

No, this hasn't happened to me
Yes, the site was disorganized/confusing
Yes, the individual pages were poorly designed
Yes, the site was obnoxious/annoying
Yes, the pages were too slow to download
Yes, I could not find what I was looking for
Yes, for other reasons

How often do you make a decision to purchase (or not to purchase) a product/service based primarily on information that you have gathered on the web whether or not you use the web to make the purchase?
Personal  Professional

Less than once per month
1-3 times/month
4-10 times/month
11-20 times/month
20 or more times/month

What percentage of these decisions were the result of an intentional search for product/service information?
Personal  Professional

All (close to 100%)
Most (close to 75%)
Half (close to 50%)
Few (close to 25%)
None (close to 0%)
Not Applicable

Once you've decided to purchase a product/service, what percentage of the time do you place your order on the web (i.e. by filling out a form on the web)?
Personal  Professional

All (close to 100%)
Most (close to 75%)
Half (close to 50%)
Few (close to 25%)
None (close to 0%)
Not Applicable

Once you've placed your order on the web, for what percentage of these orders do you also pay using the web (i.e. send your credit card number over the web)?
Personal  Professional

All (close to 100%)
Most (close to 75%)
Half (close to 50%)
Few (close to 25%)
None (close to 0%)
Not Applicable

How often do you visit the web sites of stores where you normally shop?
Personal  Professional

They don't have web sites
Don't know

What are the main reasons you use the web when purchasing products/services?
(Please check all that apply.)
Personal  Professional

Availability of information from vendors
Access to opinions of other customers
Reviews and recommendations from experts
Saving time
No pressure from sales people
Personalized information based on customer profile (i.e. custom newspaper, book recommendations, etc.)
Other reasons
Not Applicable

Please add any comments here.

This questionnaire was developed by:
GVU's WWW User Survey Team with special thanks to NCR's Human Interface Technology Center for their valuable input.