GVU's Ninth WWW User Survey Graphs

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Chat groups

The Web is a versatile tool. Please indicate how often you have used the Web for each of the following categories during the past 6 months.

to access online chat groups?

Chat groups

Chat groups

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Several times per day 481 5.3 5.3 5.3
Once per day 299 3.3 3.3 8.5
Several times per week 711 7.8 7.8 16.3
Once per week 255 2.8 2.8 19.1
Several times per month 615 6.7 6.7 25.8
Once per month 298 3.3 3.3 29.1
A few times 2385 26.1 26.1 55.1
Don't know 92 1.0 1.0 56.1
Never 4011 43.9 43.9 100.0
Total 9147 100.0 100.0

Chat groups

Chat groups
Location Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
. Valid Several times per day 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Once per day 5 4.0 4.0 16.0
Several times per week 10 8.0 8.0 24.0
Once per week 3 2.4 2.4 26.4
Several times per month 8 6.4 6.4 32.8
Once per month 2 1.6 1.6 34.4
A few times 34 27.2 27.2 61.6
Don't know 1 .8 .8 62.4
Never 47 37.6 37.6 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0
USA Valid Several times per day 401 5.3 5.3 5.3
Once per day 237 3.1 3.1 8.4
Several times per week 582 7.6 7.6 16.0
Once per week 210 2.8 2.8 18.8
Several times per month 496 6.5 6.5 25.3
Once per month 250 3.3 3.3 28.6
A few times 1966 25.8 25.8 54.4
Don't know 78 1.0 1.0 55.4
Never 3399 44.6 44.6 100.0
Total 7619 100.0 100.0
Europe Valid Several times per day 16 3.0 3.0 3.0
Once per day 16 3.0 3.0 6.0
Several times per week 38 7.1 7.1 13.1
Once per week 15 2.8 2.8 15.9
Several times per month 37 6.9 6.9 22.8
Once per month 19 3.6 3.6 26.4
A few times 155 29.0 29.0 55.4
Don't know 7 1.3 1.3 56.7
Never 231 43.3 43.3 100.0
Total 534 100.0 100.0
Other Valid Several times per day 49 5.6 5.6 5.6
Once per day 41 4.7 4.7 10.4
Several times per week 81 9.3 9.3 19.7
Once per week 27 3.1 3.1 22.8
Several times per month 74 8.5 8.5 31.3
Once per month 27 3.1 3.1 34.4
A few times 230 26.5 26.5 60.9
Don't know 6 .7 .7 61.6
Never 334 38.4 38.4 100.0
Total 869 100.0 100.0

Chat groups

Chat groups
Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
. Valid Several times per day 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Once per day 5 4.0 4.0 16.0
Several times per week 10 8.0 8.0 24.0
Once per week 3 2.4 2.4 26.4
Several times per month 8 6.4 6.4 32.8
Once per month 2 1.6 1.6 34.4
A few times 34 27.2 27.2 61.6
Don't know 1 .8 .8 62.4
Never 47 37.6 37.6 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0
Female Valid Several times per day 199 5.7 5.7 5.7
Once per day 123 3.6 3.6 9.3
Several times per week 269 7.8 7.8 17.1
Once per week 108 3.1 3.1 20.2
Several times per month 223 6.4 6.4 26.6
Once per month 113 3.3 3.3 29.9
A few times 864 25.0 25.0 54.9
Don't know 31 .9 .9 55.7
Never 1532 44.3 44.3 100.0
Total 3462 100.0 100.0
Male Valid Several times per day 267 4.8 4.8 4.8
Once per day 171 3.1 3.1 7.9
Several times per week 432 7.8 7.8 15.6
Once per week 144 2.6 2.6 18.2
Several times per month 384 6.9 6.9 25.1
Once per month 183 3.3 3.3 28.4
A few times 1487 26.7 26.7 55.2
Don't know 60 1.1 1.1 56.3
Never 2432 43.7 43.7 100.0
Total 5560 100.0 100.0

Chat groups

Chat groups
Age Groups Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
. Valid Several times per day 17 13.0 13.0 13.0
Once per day 6 4.6 4.6 17.6
Several times per week 10 7.6 7.6 25.2
Once per week 3 2.3 2.3 27.5
Several times per month 10 7.6 7.6 35.1
Once per month 2 1.5 1.5 36.6
A few times 34 26.0 26.0 62.6
Don't know 1 .8 .8 63.4
Never 48 36.6 36.6 100.0
Total 131 100.0 100.0
11-20 Valid Several times per day 108 10.5 10.5 10.5
Once per day 45 4.4 4.4 14.8
Several times per week 126 12.2 12.2 27.1
Once per week 66 6.4 6.4 33.5
Several times per month 125 12.1 12.1 45.6
Once per month 61 5.9 5.9 51.5
A few times 272 26.4 26.4 77.9
Don't know 12 1.2 1.2 79.0
Never 216 21.0 21.0 100.0
Total 1031 100.0 100.0
21-25 Valid Several times per day 66 5.0 5.0 5.0
Once per day 60 4.6 4.6 9.6
Several times per week 111 8.4 8.4 18.0
Once per week 41 3.1 3.1 21.1
Several times per month 106 8.0 8.0 29.2
Once per month 69 5.2 5.2 34.4
A few times 360 27.3 27.3 61.7
Don't know 10 .8 .8 62.5
Never 494 37.5 37.5 100.0
Total 1317 100.0 100.0
26-50 Valid Several times per day 236 4.5 4.5 4.5
Once per day 152 2.9 2.9 7.4
Several times per week 383 7.3 7.3 14.7
Once per week 123 2.3 2.3 17.1
Several times per month 313 6.0 6.0 23.0
Once per month 140 2.7 2.7 25.7
A few times 1374 26.2 26.2 51.9
Don't know 49 .9 .9 52.9
Never 2470 47.1 47.1 100.0
Total 5240 100.0 100.0
50+ Valid Several times per day 54 3.8 3.8 3.8
Once per day 36 2.5 2.5 6.3
Several times per week 81 5.7 5.7 12.0
Once per week 22 1.5 1.5 13.5
Several times per month 61 4.3 4.3 17.8
Once per month 26 1.8 1.8 19.6
A few times 345 24.2 24.2 43.8
Don't know 20 1.4 1.4 45.2
Never 783 54.8 54.8 100.0
Total 1428 100.0 100.0

Chat groups

Chat groups
Experience Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
. Valid Several times per day 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Once per day 5 4.0 4.0 16.0
Several times per week 10 8.0 8.0 24.0
Once per week 3 2.4 2.4 26.4
Several times per month 8 6.4 6.4 32.8
Once per month 2 1.6 1.6 34.4
A few times 34 27.2 27.2 61.6
Don't know 1 .8 .8 62.4
Never 47 37.6 37.6 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0
<1 Year Valid Several times per day 96 6.3 6.3 6.3
Once per day 64 4.2 4.2 10.6
Several times per week 154 10.2 10.2 20.8
Once per week 56 3.7 3.7 24.5
Several times per month 105 6.9 6.9 31.4
Once per month 34 2.2 2.2 33.6
A few times 332 21.9 21.9 55.6
Don't know 17 1.1 1.1 56.7
Never 655 43.3 43.3 100.0
Total 1513 100.0 100.0
1-3 Years Valid Several times per day 211 5.3 5.3 5.3
Once per day 129 3.2 3.2 8.5
Several times per week 329 8.2 8.2 16.7
Once per week 121 3.0 3.0 19.7
Several times per month 274 6.8 6.8 26.6
Once per month 132 3.3 3.3 29.9
A few times 1115 27.8 27.8 57.7
Don't know 48 1.2 1.2 58.9
Never 1645 41.1 41.1 100.0
Total 4004 100.0 100.0
>4 Years Valid Several times per day 159 4.5 4.5 4.5
Once per day 101 2.9 2.9 7.4
Several times per week 218 6.2 6.2 13.6
Once per week 75 2.1 2.1 15.8
Several times per month 228 6.5 6.5 22.3
Once per month 130 3.7 3.7 26.0
A few times 904 25.8 25.8 51.8
Don't know 26 .7 .7 52.5
Never 1664 47.5 47.5 100.0
Total 3505 100.0 100.0

Source: GVU's Ninth WWW User Survey (Conducted April 1998)
Contact: www-survey@cc.gatech.edu

For more information or to submit comments:
send email to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu.

GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280