Internet Banking Questionnaire

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This survey is designed to understand Internet users perspectives on Internet banking, their experience with Internet banking, and their expectations on Internet banking services. Only summary measures and conclusions from this survey will be reported. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated.
How long have you been using the WWW?

How many hours per week do you use your computer for fun/play?

How many hours per week do you use your computer for work?

How many hours per week do you use your computer for personal reasons?

Have you performed any of the following activities on-line? (Please check all that apply)

How frequently do you use telephone banking services per month (for example, balance inquiry, fund transfer between accounts)?

How frequently do you visit your bank branch per month?

How frequently do you use an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) per month?

What is the main reason that you typically visit your bank branch (please choose the single most important reason)?

Have you purchased any product through WWW?

Approximately how many times have you purchased any product through the Internet in the last 12 months?

Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with each of the following statements.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through telephone.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through fax.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through WWW/e-mail.

I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information over the Internet when this information is encrypted.

I am willing to provide credit card information and personal information over the Internet to a Web vendor who is well known and reliable.

In the past five years, other than for geographical relocation, how many times have you switched to a different bank?

Have you used (or are currently using) any off-the-shelf personal finance management software programs (such as Quicken, MS Money, or Meca software)?

If you answered Yes to the previous question, how long have you been a regular user of such software?

For your on-line banking, which of the following category best explains your situation?

Do you have a bank account for which you interact with your bank mostly through a WWW browser? (If yes, we refer to this type of bank account as an Internet bank account)

These questions were asked if the respondent answered "Yes" to the previous question.

What is the name of bank you have an Internet bank account with?

Rather not say

What are the most important reasons you opened an Internet bank account? (Please prioritize the following list in the order of importance. 1: the most important 6: the least important) Please use each number only once.
Convenience (24 hours service, anywhere connectivity)
Better rates
Safe and secure
Low service charge
Easy to maintain my banking transaction activity

What banking services do you use which your Internet bank offers? (Please check all you are currently using)

What is the percentage of your household monthly income you deposit to your Internet bank account?

What was the single most important reason that you chose this particular bank as your Internet bank? (please choose one)

In addition to your Internet bank account, do you also have a traditional bank account?

These questions were asked if the respondent answered "No" to having an Internet bank account.

What are the main reasons that you have not opened an Internet bank account yet? (check all that apply)

How likely is it that you will open an Internet bank account within the next 12 months?

These questions were asked of all respondents.

For your choice of an Internet bank, please indicate how much each of the following factors (were) are important for you:
Better rate and lower service charge

Bank familiarity

Bank location (geographic)

The size of bank (in terms of asset)

Security of Transaction

Convenience (24 hours service from anywhere)

Quick service (transaction completed in seconds instead of minutes)

Variety of features and services that are offered(for example; bill payment,account reconciliation, electronic bill payment)

Integrated value-added services using other on-line services and resources (for example; other brokerage account summary)

Please add any comments here.

This questionnaire was developed by:
Professors Sue Rhee and Fred Riggins of the DuPree School of Management at Georgia Tech