GVU's Tenth WWW User Survey Graphs

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Access WWW From Home

From home (including a home office)

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Daily 3951 78.7 78.7 78.7
Weekly 698 13.9 13.9 92.6
Monthly 66 1.3 1.3 93.9
Less than once/mo 78 1.6 1.6 95.4
Never 229 4.6 4.6 100.0
Total 5022 100.0 100.0

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home
Location Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
USA Valid Daily 3457 81.3 81.3 81.3
Weekly 553 13.0 13.0 94.3
Monthly 48 1.1 1.1 95.4
Less than once/mo 58 1.4 1.4 96.8
Never 138 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 4254 100.0 100.0
Europe Valid Daily 201 54.5 54.5 54.5
Weekly 81 22.0 22.0 76.4
Monthly 12 3.3 3.3 79.7
Less than once/mo 12 3.3 3.3 82.9
Never 63 17.1 17.1 100.0
Total 369 100.0 100.0
Other Valid Daily 293 73.4 73.4 73.4
Weekly 64 16.0 16.0 89.5
Monthly 6 1.5 1.5 91.0
Less than once/mo 8 2.0 2.0 93.0
Never 28 7.0 7.0 100.0
Total 399 100.0 100.0

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home
Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Female Valid Daily 1269 75.3 75.3 75.3
Weekly 269 16.0 16.0 91.3
Monthly 23 1.4 1.4 92.6
Less than once/mo 27 1.6 1.6 94.2
Never 97 5.8 5.8 100.0
Total 1685 100.0 100.0
Male Valid Daily 2682 80.4 80.4 80.4
Weekly 429 12.9 12.9 93.2
Monthly 43 1.3 1.3 94.5
Less than once/mo 51 1.5 1.5 96.0
Never 132 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 3337 100.0 100.0

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home
Age Groups Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
. Valid Daily 71 84.5 84.5 84.5
Weekly 9 10.7 10.7 95.2
Less than once/mo 2 2.4 2.4 97.6
Never 2 2.4 2.4 100.0
Total 84 100.0 100.0
11-20 Valid Daily 264 88.0 88.0 88.0
Weekly 17 5.7 5.7 93.7
Monthly 4 1.3 1.3 95.0
Less than once/mo 2 .7 .7 95.7
Never 13 4.3 4.3 100.0
Total 300 100.0 100.0
21-25 Valid Daily 447 71.3 71.3 71.3
Weekly 96 15.3 15.3 86.6
Monthly 8 1.3 1.3 87.9
Less than once/mo 17 2.7 2.7 90.6
Never 59 9.4 9.4 100.0
Total 627 100.0 100.0
26-50 Valid Daily 2411 76.0 76.0 76.0
Weekly 518 16.3 16.3 92.4
Monthly 51 1.6 1.6 94.0
Less than once/mo 52 1.6 1.6 95.6
Never 139 4.4 4.4 100.0
Total 3171 100.0 100.0
50+ Valid Daily 758 90.2 90.2 90.2
Weekly 58 6.9 6.9 97.1
Monthly 3 .4 .4 97.5
Less than once/mo 5 .6 .6 98.1
Never 16 1.9 1.9 100.0
Total 840 100.0 100.0

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home
Experience Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
<1 Year Valid Daily 512 78.4 78.4 78.4
Weekly 82 12.6 12.6 91.0
Monthly 3 .5 .5 91.4
Less than once/mo 7 1.1 1.1 92.5
Never 49 7.5 7.5 100.0
Total 653 100.0 100.0
1-3 Years Valid Daily 1408 81.1 81.1 81.1
Weekly 201 11.6 11.6 92.7
Monthly 17 1.0 1.0 93.7
Less than once/mo 16 .9 .9 94.6
Never 94 5.4 5.4 100.0
Total 1736 100.0 100.0
>4 Years Valid Daily 2031 77.1 77.1 77.1
Weekly 415 15.8 15.8 92.9
Monthly 46 1.7 1.7 94.6
Less than once/mo 55 2.1 2.1 96.7
Never 86 3.3 3.3 100.0
Total 2633 100.0 100.0

Access WWW From Home

Access WWW From Home
Skill Level Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Novice Valid Daily 586 72.5 72.5 72.5
Weekly 121 15.0 15.0 87.5
Monthly 8 1.0 1.0 88.5
Less than once/mo 16 2.0 2.0 90.5
Never 77 9.5 9.5 100.0
Total 808 100.0 100.0
Intermediate Valid Daily 1118 77.9 77.9 77.9
Weekly 198 13.8 13.8 91.7
Monthly 19 1.3 1.3 93.0
Less than once/mo 25 1.7 1.7 94.8
Never 75 5.2 5.2 100.0
Total 1435 100.0 100.0
Experienced Valid Daily 1474 79.5 79.5 79.5
Weekly 269 14.5 14.5 94.0
Monthly 28 1.5 1.5 95.5
Less than once/mo 26 1.4 1.4 96.9
Never 58 3.1 3.1 100.0
Total 1855 100.0 100.0
Expert Valid Daily 773 83.7 83.7 83.7
Weekly 110 11.9 11.9 95.6
Monthly 11 1.2 1.2 96.8
Less than once/mo 11 1.2 1.2 97.9
Never 19 2.1 2.1 100.0
Total 924 100.0 100.0

Source: GVU's Tenth WWW User Survey (Conducted October 1998)
Contact: www-survey@cc.gatech.edu

For more information or to submit comments:
send email to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu.

GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280