NSF International Funding Opportunities


Compiled by Jim Foley

November 2005


This material is abstracted from the NSF Office of International Science and Engineering web site, http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?org=OISE.  My goal is to give a fast-to-read overview of funding opportunities.  If a program looks interesting, please take a look at the full description on the nsf web site.


I have added italics and bold italics to highlight points of particular import, my comments start with JDF Note.



Excerpts: “Dear Colleague” letter from Director of NSF Office of International Science and Engineering



Dear Colleague:


OISE’s portfolio of activities will employ three approaches to enable international collaboration: supporting planning visits and workshops that are likely to be catalytic and lead to innovative international projects; providing international research opportunities for U.S. students and early-career scientists and engineers; and supporting international partnerships with larger, longer-term awards in which research and educational activities build on institutional strengths to provide an international collaborative experience that can involve U.S. researchers at all career levels.


The new portfolio of OISE activities will include the following:


1 Planning Visits and Workshops: A new solicitation, International Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops (NSF 04-035), invites proposals for workshops and planning visits that are catalytic and may lead to innovative international partnerships, training activities or collaborative research that could be funded by OISE and/or by NSF research directorates.

2  Global Scientists and Engineers: OISE supports a set of activities designed to provide international research and education experience for U.S. students and early-career scientists and engineers. They include:

    a    Developing Global Scientists and Engineers (NSF 04-036), invites proposals to provide international research experiences for small groups of undergraduates and/or graduate students and for enhancement of doctoral dissertation research.

    b    Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) (NSF 04-584), an NSF-wide activity, which can support international REU Sites or add international dimensions to domestic activities.

    c    East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (NSF 03-608), an 8-week program that introduces students to East Asia and Pacific science and engineering within a research context and provides personal contacts on which to build future collaborations.

    d    Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (NSF 03-506), 2-4 week courses that disseminate advanced knowledge and stimulate cooperation among researchers of the Americas in engineering and in the mathematical, physical, and biological sciences.

    e    International Research Postdoctoral Fellowships (NSF 02-149), which provide support for post-doctoral researchers or young faculty to conduct international research in any discipline that NSF funds.


3        Partnerships for International Research and Education: This new program, planned to begin in FY2005 and subject to availability of funds, will invite proposals in which long-term international research and educational activities build on institutional strengths to provide an international collaborative experience that can involve U.S. researchers at all levels.  JDF Note – I am told by those who should know that this program WILL be continued.


OISE, in partnership with NSF’s research directorates, will also continue to support international collaboration across the full range of NSF’s disciplinary programs and priority areas. Researchers may either include an international dimension in their proposals to these programs, or request supplementary funding to active awards for international activities by contacting the managing program officer for their award.


Kerri-Ann Jones, Ph.D.

Director, Office of International Science and Engineering


JDF Note

CISE regularly supports international collaboration add-ons to new proposals and to currently-funded projects. Ask you program director!!



1. Planning Visits and Workshops




This solicitation describes International Planning Visit/Workshop awards to support the early phases of developing and coordinating a research and education activity with a foreign partner(s).



This program provides educational opportunities for Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows. This program provides indirect funding for students at this level or focuses on educational developments for this group such as curricula development, training or retention.


JDF Note

Awards typically 50K.



2a. Developing Global Scientists and Engineers




Full Proposal Target Date:  February 15, 2006

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES)

Full Proposal Target Date:  September 15, 2006

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) activities for the subsequent summer

No deadlines apply for Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Projects (DDEP); such proposals can be submitted at any time.


JDF Note

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES): $800,000 to fund up to 10 awards;

Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Projects (DDEP): $100,000 to fund up to 10 awards.



One of the focal areas of OISE activity will be providing international research and education experiences for U.S. students and junior researchers. This solicitation addresses opportunities for international research and education for early career stages of scientists and engineers, i.e., as undergraduates and graduate students.


This solicitation describes support for International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) at the undergraduate and graduate level and support for Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Projects (DDEP). The goal of these activities, and the related activities described below, is to build a more inclusive and globally-engaged workforce that fully reflects the strength of our diverse population.



2c. East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)




Full Proposal Deadline Date:  December 13, 2005



The East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) provide U.S. graduate students in science and engineering 1) first-hand research experience in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, or Taiwan; 2) an introduction to the science and science policy infrastructure of the respective location; and 3) orientation to the society, culture and language. The primary goals of EAPSI are to introduce students to East Asia and Pacific science and engineering in the context of a research laboratory, and to initiate personal relationships that will better enable them to collaborate with foreign counterparts in the future. The institutes last approximately eight weeks from June to August. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) co-sponsor the Summer Institute in Japan.


JDF Note

Five CoC students have done this in 2003-05:  Justin Jang, Julie Kientz, Shwetak Patel, Quan Tran, and Mike Terry.



2e. International Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (IRFP) 




Full Proposal Deadline Date:  September 12, 2006, annually thereafter



The objective of the International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP) is to introduce scientists and engineers in the early stages of their careers to research opportunities abroad, thereby furthering NSF's goal of creating a diverse, competitive, and globally-engaged U.S. workforce of scientists, engineers, technologists and well-prepared citizens. These awards are available in any field of science and engineering research and education supported by NSF.


IRFP aims to provide an international experience to those individuals who have never had one previously. Consequently, those applicants who already have international research experience and/or are currently working at the foreign host institution must justify why they should receive fellowship consideration. Applicants who received their Ph.D. at a foreign institution will be given lower priority. Also, priority will be given to those applicants who are not currently in a tenure-track position. Therefore, where reviews and ranking are equal, those with no previous international experience and/or those who have not yet secured a tenure-track position, will take precedence.


JDF Note

This is a good program for your students who are just graduating before they settle into a faculty or research job.  Encourage them to apply to go to a place where you are collaborating or want to collaborate.



3. Partnerships for International Research and Education




In 2005, PIRE was run as a one-time, pilot competition. The abstracts for PIRE awards made thus far are available  below. OISE hopes to run the program again in the near future.


JDF Note

Funding was about 500K per award, 10 awards.  I am told that this program WILL be continued.



Currently Funded, but No Longer Receiving Proposals.



Partnerships for International Research and Education will enable U.S. institutions to establish collaborative relationships with foreign groups or institutions in order to advance specific research and education objectives and to make possible a research effort that neither side could accomplish on its own.  The program is intended to catalyze a cultural change in U.S. institutions by establishing innovative new models for international collaborative research and education. It is also intended to facilitate greater variety in student participation and preparation, and to contribute to the development of a diverse, globally-engaged, science and engineering workforce.  



This program provides educational opportunities for Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows. This program supports institutions which may provide support to individuals at those institutions. To inquire about opportunities in this program, contact one of the awarded institutions, available by clicking on the Awards link.