UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Package edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command

Contains Satin's undo, redo, and macro mechanisms.


Interface Summary
Command Satin specific commands.

Class Summary
AddGestureInterpreterCommand Attach a Gesture Interpreter to some Graphical Object.
AddInkInterpreterCommand Attach a Gesture Interpreter to some Graphical Object.
ApplyTransformationCommand Apply a transformation to a GraphicalObject.
Clipboard A clipboard for the cut, copy, and paste commands.
CommandImpl A simple implementation of Command.
CommandQueue The queue that holds and executes the command objects.
CommandSubsystem Command central for commands.
CopyCommand Copy a Graphical Object to the clipboard.
CutCommand Cut a Graphical Object to the clipboard.
DeleteCommand Delete a Graphical Object.
InsertCommand A Command to insert a new Graphical Object.
MacroCommand A collection of commands.
MakePatchCommand Make a patch from a stroke.
MoveCommand Move the gob from one place to another.
OpenCommand Open a Sheet to file.
PanCommand Pan up, down, left, or right.
PasteCommand Paste a Graphical Object to the clipboard.
RemoveCommand A Command to remove a Graphical Object from a Graphical Object Group.
RotateCommand Rotate a GraphicalObject.
SaveCommand Save a Sheet to file.
SelectCommand Select a Graphical Object.
SelectDeepCommand Select a Graphical Object.
SelectShallowCommand Select a Graphical Object.
SetLocationCommand Move the gob from one place to another.
SetTransformCommand Sets the transform to a GraphicalObject.
UndoableCommand Undoable commands are commands that are meant to be undone only.
ZoomCommand Zoom in or out.

Exception Summary
NotEnabledException The command to be executed is not enabled.

Package edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.command Description

Contains Satin's undo, redo, and macro mechanisms. Essentially implements the Command pattern, which encapsulates a set of operations that knows how to do, undo, and redo itself.

Sketch and Transformational INfrastructure is a toolkit for creating pen-based and sketch-based user interfaces. See http://guir.cs.berkeley.edu/projects/satin/ for an overview. Slides of the class hierarchy are available at http://guir.cs.berkeley.edu/projects/satin/class-diagrams/index.html.

This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.

Here are the static class diagrams:
1. Object Notation
2. Overview of Scenegraph

3. Graphical Objects 4. Views
5. Rendering 6. Interpreters
7. Strokes 8. Commands
9. Constants and Globals 10. Bridge Classes

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