Active Members:

Parth Bhawalkar

Dongyi Chen

Enylton Machado Coelho

Steven Dow

Maribeth Gandy

Markus Haas

Jaemin Lee

Blair MacIntyre

Marleigh Norton

Cindy Robertson

Szymon Swistun

Stephen Voida

personpic missing   Steven Dow

B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, 1999 M.S. Human Computer Interaction, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004


Phone: 404-385-0255

GVU Center, College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332

Steven is a PhD student in Human-Centered Computing. He is currently working with Dr. MacIntyre, Dr. Bolter, and Maribeth Gandy on the Designer's Augmented Reality Toolkit (DART). We have developed the DART software for media artists and designers to create experiences using augmented reality technology for entertainment purposes. We used Macromedia Director as a framework for developing DART because it allows us to integrate AR technology into an existing 3D rendering environment and because it is commonly used by media artists. DART allow people who are not expert programmers to envision and plan out augmented environments. The DART Homepage provides a high-level description of this project. In addition the development of the software, Steven is studying the design process and methods of media artists in contribution to the design of DART. He is observing the group design process of artists in the Topological Media Lab to inform his development of augmented reality. Steven also pulls from research in film production and other media forms to understand the design process in AR. Filmmakers use storyboarding and modeling to convey ideas and plan out the production. Dr. Bolter uses the term "remediation" to refer to the process of learning from previous media forms. Steven is focused on the long-term ramification of the overlap of physical and virtual space. He’s interested in how people will interact in this new media space and the relevant technologies (tracking, sensing, networking, displays, audio and haptics).


Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, Steven Dow, and Jay David Bolter. "DART: A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences." To appear at conference on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'04), October 24-27, 2004, Sante Fe, New Mexico. [details]

Steven Dow, Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, and Jay David Bolter. "Prototyping Applications for the Physical World Using Integrated Capture/Playback Facilities." To be presented as a demo at UbiComp (UBICOMP04), September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, U.K.. [details]

Maribeth Gandy, Steven Dow and Blair MacIntyre. "Prototyping Applications with Tangible User Interfaces in DART,The Designer's Augmented Reality Toolkit." Positional paper at Toolkit Support for Interaction in the Physical World Workshop at IEEE Pervasive Computing 2004, April 20, 2004. [details]

Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, Jay Bolter, Steven Dow, Brendan Hannigan. "DART: The Designer’s Augmented Reality Toolkit." Presented as a demo at The Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '04), November 2-5, 2003, Vancouver, BC, Canada. [details]

Blair MacIntyre, Maribeth Gandy, Jay Bolter, Steven Dow, Brendan Hannigan. "DART: The Designer’s Augmented Reality Toolkit." Presented as a demo at The Second International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR03), pages 329-330, October 7-10, 2003, Tokyo, Japan. [details]

Related Links:
Personal Web Page


DART: The Designers Augmented Reality Toolkit

Four Angry Men

Presence and Aura in AR Experiences

The Voices of Oakland

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