Calton Pu

Picture of Calton Pu Biography

Calton Pu is currently a professor and John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in Software at College of Computing, Georgia Tech. Professor Pu received his phD in Computer Science from University of Washington in 1986. Calton's research interests are in the areas of distributed computing, database systems, and operating systems. In distributed systems and databases research, his focus is on extended transaction processing and Internet applications. In operating systems, he is applying the idea of specialization. Comparing with usual centralized systems, distributed and parallel systems softwares display unique characteristics in distance, complexity, extensibility, concurrency and availability. Making software handle these problems in a reliable and efficient way is the emphasis of Calton Pu's work. The sponsors for Calton Pu's research include both government funding agen cies such as DARPA, NSF, and companies from industry such as IBM, Intel, and HP.

Professor Pu is currently an associate editor of several international journals such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, International Journal of Digital Libraries. He has also serverd various roles in many international conferences such as the program co-chair of ICDE'99, the general co-chair of ICDE 1998, the PC member of ACM SIGMOD 2000, to name a few.

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