Georgia Institute of Technology

Intel Opportunity Scholar's Program Members



Intel/GT Opportunity Scholar’s Program 2005-6

Research Agenda

Year: 2005-6

Mentor: Jason Dixon

Scholars: Lawrence Omar Phillips and Jose Vidal

Date Submitted: November 15, 2005

Research Area: Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Simulated Scene Creation

Proposed Research Tasks

In the fall, the scholars will develop tools to assist in the creation of forward-looking infrared

(FLIR) and laser radar (LADAR) datasets. The scholars will learn about graphical user interface

programming (GUI) in MATLAB, GUI design issues, using MATLAB to render 3D imagery, and

working with advanced data structures and arrays. These exercises will also help the scholars to

learn about the mentor’s target recognition methodology and some of the issues to consider.

In the spring, we will use the knowledge obtained in the fall to move on to the development of

MATLAB programs to assist in ATR tasks. The first task for the scholars will be to learn about

how recognition is performed. Next, the scholars will work on simulations to observe the affect of

noise on recognition and analyze performance bounds on the accuracy of recognition for LADAR

systems. The scholars will use a number of existing routines to run new MATLAB simulations

that should provide additional insight into how well our ATR methodology performs.

Timeline: (example)

October – mid November: learn to use existing tools to generate FLIR and LADAR imagery

Mid November – end of Fall Semester: Make scene creation GUI more user-friendly; develop

additional tools for GUI

January: learn about methodology the mentor uses for target recognition; generate charts

showing when recognition is occurring.

February: Observe the affect of different noise models on target recognition

March: Analyze recognition performance bounds on LADAR recognition systems

April: Poster presentation



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