IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Enters a task into a list of tasks to be run at the end of each graph (visual program) execution.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Error DXSetPendingCmd(char *major, char *minor, int(*task)(Private),
Private data);

Functional Details

The task to be run (*task) is identified by two character strings:


typically contains the calling module's ID.


typically indicates which of several discrete tasks the module has entered.

When execution of the graph is completed, the tasks in the list are executed in the order in which they are received. (If tasks are entered by two different modules, the order in which the modules run determines the order in which the tasks are called.)

When *task is called, it is passed *data as a parameter. The specified task is called at the end of each execution until it is removed from the pending-task list. Removal can be achieved by calling the routine again, with the same strings for *major and *minor, but setting *task to NULL.

Return Value

Returns OK or returns ERROR and sets and error code.

See Also DXGetModuleId

13.6 , "Pending Commands".

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