IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Guide

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Appendix D. User Interface Configuration

Data Explorer provides its own set of resources for customizing the user interface in addition to the standard X-window and Motif resources. These resources (see table) can be specified in the .Xdefaults resource file, and a majority can be invoked as command line switches or options. For example:

DX*noImagePrinting: true
DX*restrictionLevel: maximum
are valid resource-file entries. The corresponding command line format is:
dx -image -noImagePrinting -restrictionLevel maximum

The command line switch for a Boolean resource (e.g., -noImagePrinting) toggles the default value.

Table 7. Resource Configuration Table

Resource Name
Command Line Option (if available)

DX*errorEnabled N/A Boolean true
DX*errorOpensMessage N/A Boolean true
DX*infoEnabled N/A Boolean true
DX*infoOpensMessage N/A Boolean true
DX*limitImageOptions -limitImageOptions Boolean false
DX*metric -metric Boolean false
DX*noConfirmedQuit -noConfirmedQuit Boolean false
DX*noCMapOpenMap -noCMapOpenMap Boolean false
DX*noCMapSaveMap -noCMapSaveMap Boolean false
DX*noCMapSetNameOption -noCMapSetNameOption Boolean false
DX*noDXHelp -noDXHelp Boolean false
DX*noEditorAccess -noEditorAccess Boolean false
DX*noEditorOnError -noEditorOnError Boolean false
DX*noImageLoad -noImageLoad Boolean false
DX*noImageMenus -noImageMenus Boolean false
DX*noImagePrinting -noImagePrinting Boolean false
DX*noImageRWNetFile -noImageRWNetFile Boolean false
DX*noImageSaving -noImageSaving Boolean false
DX*noInteractorAttribute -noInteractorAttribute Boolean false
DX*noInteractorEdits -noInteractorEdits Boolean false
DX*noInteractorMovement -noInteractorMovement Boolean false
DX*noMessageInfoOption -noMessageInfoOption Boolean false
DX*noMessageWarningOption -noMessageWarningOption Boolean false
DX*noOpenAllPanels -noOpenAllPanels Boolean false
DX*noPGroupAssignment -noPGroupAssignment Boolean false
DX*noPanelAccess -noPanelAccess Boolean false
DX*noPanelEdit -noPanelEdit Boolean false
DX*noPanelRWConfig -noPanelRWConfig Boolean false

Boolean false
DX*printImageCommand N/A String "lpr"
DX*printImageFormat N/A String "PSCOLOR"
DX*printImagePageSize N/A String NULL
DX*printImageResolution N/A int 0
DX*printImageSize N/A String NULL
DX*restrictionLevel -restrictionlevel String NULL
DX*saveImageFormat N/A String "PSCOLOR"
DX*saveImagePageSize N/A String NULL
DX*saveImageResolution N/A int 0
DX*saveImageSize N/A String NULL
DX*vpeCanvas.lineThickness N/A int 1
DX*warningEnabled N/A Boolean true
DX*warningOpensMessage N/A Boolean true


Specifies the default value of the Error Messages toggle button in the Message window's Option menu.


Specifies whether or not the Message window pops up when an error message is printed in the Message window.


Specifies the default value of the Information Messages toggle button in the Message window's Option menu.


Specifies whether or not the Message window pops up when an informational message is printed in the Message window.


Removes the Image Depth, Throttle, Change Image Name..., and Panel Access... menu commands from the Image window's Options menu.


Specifies that Data Explorer use the metric system (centimeters) when set to "true". The default is the English system (inches). The Print Image and Save Image dialog boxes option menus are affected accordingly.


Turns off the "Are you sure you want to quit Data Explorer?" message.


Removes the Open... menu command from the Colormap Editor's File menu.


Removes the Save As... menu command from the Colormap Editor's File menu.


Removes the Set Colormap Name... menu command from the Colormap Editor's Options menu.


Removes the On Context, On Manual and On Help menu commands from the Help menu of both the Control Panel and the Image window.


Removes (1) the Delete, Show Selected Interactor, Add Selected Interactor, Show Selected Tool, and Comment... menu commands from the Control Panel's Edit menu; (2) the Open Visual Program Editor menu commands from the Image window's Windows menu.


Turns off default behavior of popping up the VPE when an error occurs. Instead, a question dialog box is popped up, with the name of the visual program, which lets the user choose whether or not to open the VPE on the .net file.


Removes the Load Macro... and Load Module Definition(s)... menu commands from the Image window's File menu.


Removes the bar from all Image and Display windows.


Removes the Print Image... menu command from the Image window's File menu.


Removes the Open, Save, and Save As... menu commands from the Image window's File menu.


Removes the Save Image... menu command from the Image window's File menu.


Removes the Set Attributes... menu command from the Control Panel's Edit menu.


Removes the Set Style, Set Layout, Set Dimensionality, and Set Interactor Label... menu commands from the Control Panel's Edit menu.


Restricts the ability to move interactor instances within a Control Panel.


Removes the Information Messages toggle button from the Message window's Options menu.


Removes the Warning Messages toggle button from the Message window's Options menu.


Removes the Open All Panels... menu command from the Panels menu of the Control Panel and the Windows menu of the Image window.


Removes the Execution Group Assignment... menu command from the Image window's Connection menu.


Removes (1) the Control Panel's Panels menu and all its menu commands; (2) the Open All Control Panels and Open Control Panel by Name menu commands from the Image window's Windows menu.


Removes the Control Panel's Edit menu and all its menu commands. This is equivalent to the following options:


By restricting the ability to highlight interactors with a mouse click, this option in effect also disables interactor movement.


Removes the Open... and Save As... menu commands from the File menu.


Removes the Execute Script Command... menu command from the Message window's Options menu.


Specifies the default print image command to be used use in the Print Image dialog box available from the Image window.


Specifies the default file format to be used in the Print Image dialog box available in the Image window. The following values are recognized:

PSCOLOR Color PostScript

PSGREY Gray level PostScript

EPSCOLOR Encapsulated Color PostScript

EPSGREY Encapsulated Gray level PostScript


Specifies the default page size that PostScript images should be centered on when printing images from the Print Image dialog box available from the Image window. Units are those indicated by the metric option.


Specifies the default resolution that PostScript images should be printed with when printing images from the Print Image dialog box available from the Image window. Resolution is in dots per inch unless the DX*metric resource is set, in which case dots per centimeter is used. This resource is overridden by the printImageSize resource. If this is set to zero (the default), then the Print Image... dialog box chooses the resolution.


Specifies the default size of PostScript images printed from the Print Image dialog box available from the Image window. If specified this option overrides the printImageResolution option. The value is a string in the same format as that accepted by the dialog box (for example, "8", "8x", "x10", "8x10"). Units are those indicated by the metric option. The default value is determined by printImageResolution option.


Combines options to make it easier to build applications on top of Data Explorer. The string value must be one of the following:

minimum Combines the restrictions implied by the following options:

intermediate Combines the restrictions implied by minimum restriction level plus the following options:

maximum Combines the restrictions implied by the intermediate restriction level plus the following options:


Specifies the default file format to be used in the Print Image dialog box available in the Image window. The following values are recognized:

PSCOLOR Color PostScript

PSGREY Gray level PostScript

EPSCOLOR Encapsulated Color PostScript

EPSGREY Encapsulated Gray level PostScript

RGB "rgb" format

R+G+B "r+g+b" format

TIFF TIFF format


Specifies the default page size that PostScript images should be centered on when saving images from the Save Image dialog box available from the Image window. Units are those indicated by the metric option.


Specifies the default resolution that PostScript images should be saved with when saving images from the Save Image dialog box available from the Image window. Resolution is in dots per inch unless the DX*metric resource is set, in which case dots per centimeter is used. This resource is overridden by the saveImageSize resource. If this is set to zero (the default), then the Save Image dialog box chooses the resolution, which may be specified inside the visual program.


Specifies the default size of PostScript images saved from the Print Image dialog box available from the Image window. If specified this option overrides the saveImageResolution option. The value is a string in the same format as that accepted by the dialog box (for example, "8", "8x", "x10", "8x10"). Units are those indicated by the metric option. The default value is determined by saveImageResolution option.


Specifies the thickness of the lines that connect module outputs to module inputs in the VPE.


Specifies the default value of the Warning Messages toggle button in the Message window's Option menu.


Specifies whether or not the Message window pops up when a warning message is printed in the Message window.

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