Java Apps -- descriptions

Click on the link below the image to load the java app.

catterall 1

This is another applet demonstrating the Ising Model. The program can be paused and later resumed. The inv. temp. can be specified. 1working

filipova 1

Elastic Net Method
for the Travelling Salesman Problem

geabana 1

This is a simple Java applet intended to give students a "feel" for vectors in two dimensions. Specifically, it covers components, magnitude and direction, and vector addition. 3WORKING

geabana 2

The applet on this page is intended to help visualize the approach to equilibrium and the related question of irreversibility for the simplest kind of not-quite-but-almost-ideal gas--a gas of "hard spheres." 4working


Demonstrates the damped precessional motion of the magnetization vector M, drawn in red. The blue vector represents the externally applied static magnetic field, H. Click and drag on the M vector to move it out of equilibrium, and then release it to see the precession. The buttons allow you to change the precession by changing the strength of H and the amount of damping. Caution: CPU intensive. 6WORKING


When displaced from equilibrium, the mass executes simple harmonic motion (assuming a linear spring). The presence of frictional forces results in an exponential decrease in the amplitude over time, so that the mass eventually returns to rest. Drag the mass from equilibrium using the mouse, and let go to start the motion. You adjust the mass, the spring constant k (which quantifies the stiffness of the spring), and the damping. 5WORKING

hurben 3

The Spin Waves applet provides a simple graphical depiction of spin waves on a two-dimensional lattice. The applet shows a 6-by-6 array of precessing spins. Each of these precessing moments obey the same equations of motion as the magnetization vector shown in the previous applet. For simplicity, damping has been eliminated in this model. Caution: CPU intensive. 7WORKING

hurben 4

The applet gives a simple demonstration of both a frequency-swept and a field-swept Ferromagnetic Resonance experiment. The plot shows the microwave power absorbed as a function of either frequency or field. The power is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the precession. 8

kamikawa 1

This applet is demonstrating equations of motion. The user is able to specify initial velocity for the x and y direction, the type of force (gravitation, elastic, etc.) as well as proportional drag. There are functions to trace the path and use a stopwatch with the program. 9WORKING

kamikawa 2

This applet demonstrates Kepler's second law of motion. The user is able to stop, start and reset the applet ; however, only one value may be input for the initial velocity. 10WORKING

kamikawa 3

This applet has more features than the previous one. It demonstrates Kepler's second law of motion and prvides an extra window from which to control the app. The user can only specify intial velocity in one direction. The control panel allows the user to stop, start, and reset the applet.WORKING 11

kamikawa 4

Reflection of Wave from a Boundary. Choose Continuous or Pulse(Crest) or Pulse(Trough) Wave, free or fixed end.Wave is generated and travels down the string toward the right. 12

kamikawa 5

Reflection of Longitudinal Wave from a Boundary.Continuous or Pulse(Crest) or Pulse(Trough) Wave. Free or Fixed End.Wave is generated and travels down the spring toward the right. 13

kamikawa 6

Transverse Wave and Longitudinal Wave.Push Start then wave is generated and travels toward the right. Push Stop to change wave type. 14

kamikawa 7

This is an applet demonstrating angular velocity. The user can only use buttons marked: play, back, forward, pause, and reset. 15

kamikawa 8

This applet demonstrates the change in focal point associated with changes in the curvature of the outside portion of the lense. The user is able to change the curvature, using the slider bar on the right hand side of the app. 16

kamikawa 9

This applet demonstrates the inversion of an image as it passes through a convex lense. 17

kamikawa 10

This applet demonstrates the inversion of an image as it passes through a convex lense.  

kamikawa 11

This applet demonstrates the method by which a raindrop produces a rainbow. 18

kamikawa 12

This applet demonstrates the blending of colors. The user is able to change the red green and blue inputs using the slider bars on the left hand side of the applet, and then watch the color change on the palette as the numerical values for the input change at the top of the applet. 19

kamikawa 13

Demonstrates the electric field lines for two nearby charges. 20

kluk 1


kluk 2


kluk 3


kluk 4

This applet demonstrates Kepler's Third Law, Newton's Second Law, and Newton's Law of Gravity. The user is able to specify the orbit radius and the number of periods. A path tracer can be turned on at the user's option. There a buttons for clear, reset, start, and stop. 24

kluk 5

Pendulum, Inertial and Noninertial Reference Frames WORKING 25

kluk 6


kluk 7


kluk 9


miretsky 1


mewes 1


nasa 1

This applet demonstrates Kepler's First Law. It allows the user to specify the eccentricity term. WORKING 31

nasa 2

This applet demonstrates Kepler's Second Law. The user is able to specify the percent area swept out by the orbit. 32

nasa 3

This applet demonstrates Kepler's Third Law. The user is able to specify either a geosynchronous orbit or the orbit used by the space shuttle. 33

richardson 1


young 1

This applet demonstratres a simple ising model. The user can specify the temperature as well as the initial conditions (cold, hot, or warm). 35

young 2

This is an updated version of the Ising model above. The options are the same for the user. 36