
Posters, Pictures and Users

This page contains links to posters and user stories describing some of the work being undertaken around the world using IRIS Explorer.

Render, the IRIS Explorer newsletter

User Posters

User stories included with this distribution.

IRIS Explorer User's Group Meetings

This is a selection of the posters put up at IRIS Explorer User's Group meetings held during SIGGRAPH and Eurographics.

External Posters

To view these user stories, images and posters you will need to be connected to the Internet. There are considerably more links on the IRIS Explorer website.

A selection of pictures visualised with IRIS Explorer

A new funded project combining advanced statistical capabilities with the IRIS Explorer framework.

Some posters are also available in VRML

What's Your Story?

Is the work that you do interesting? Do you think it would make a good story or poster? We're always on the look-out for good stories about IRIS Explorer use, so if you can tell one why not contact us? Alternatively, simply email us the URL of your own pages, and we'll link to it from the Posters page on the IRIS Explorer Center website.

Last modified: Mon May 19 18:40:05 1997
[ IRIS Explorer Information ]
© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1997