Software Guide


Operating System: IRIX 5.2
Machines: All Silicon Graphics

Getting Started

FAST runs on SGI workstatations. It is executed by typing fast.

Manual Blurb

The Flow Analysis Software Toolkit (FAST) is a system developed by NASA to analyze flow data, particularly from computational fluid dynamics. It consists of a collection of separate modules that run simultaneously and allow users to analyze data. FAST allows the user to examine the results of numerical simulations by loading data files, performing calculations on the data, visualizing the results of these calculations, and constructing scenes of 3D graphical objects that may be animated and recorded. FAST has modules for visualizing data on structured and unstructured grids and for applying a variety of analysis techniques including contour plots, particle traces, streamlines, and others. It is a follow-on to Plot3D but with a highly interactive graphical user interface. (FAST can read Plot3D file formats.) The FAST manual is in the SciVis Lab bookshelf.



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