CS6260 - Applied Cryptography
Course notes and other readings

The main text for the class is the online lecture notes written by Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway.

Syllabus and slides from the class lectures that will be updated during the course.

Introduction. Perfect (Shannon) secrecy. Slides
Symmetric encryption. Encryption modes. Security notions. Slides1 Slides2
Reduction proof structure. Slides
Block ciphers. Pseudorandom functions and permutations. Slides
Message authentication. MACs. Security of MACs. Slides (updated again)
Authenticated encryption. Slides
Implementation pitfalls. Slides
Hash functions. Slides
Some number theory. Slides
Discrete logarithm and related problems. Slides
Asymmetric encryption. Slides (updated)
RSA function and assumptions. Slides
Asymmetric encryption with RSA. Slides
Hybrid encryption. Slides
Asymmetric encryption in the multi-user setting. Slides
Digital signatures. Slides
More on digital signatures. Slides
Signcryption. PKI. Secret sharing. Visual crypto.

A very good reference on number theory and algebra is a book by Victor Shoup "Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra" available on-line. It has much more than we need though.

There are several books about cryptography. None of them are required for the course. Those who are interested in additional reading may consider