
CS 3750 User Interface Design
From the course catalog: Human computer interface is considered in terms of user-system compatibility. Concepts in human factors and interface design are covered in relation to capabilities of both humans and computers.

Beyond the course catalog: This course is meant to introduce you to human centered computing. This mode of design puts the user first and "technology-for-its own sake" second. Students will learn design principles that they will be expected to implement in a variety of group assignments. Students will learn that design is an empirical process and a variety of methods to develop a system that is user-centered. We will emulate "real-world" working culture, where you are given a project and a team with whom to develop it.

CS 3790 Intro to Cognitive Science
From the course catalog: Multidisciplinary perspectives on cognitive science. Interdisciplinary approaches to issues in cognition, including memory, language, problem solving, learning, perception, and action.

Beyond the course catalog: This course examines the metaphor of mind as computer through the many disciplines that study it. These include, but are not limited to: philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, networks and AI. Given my frame of reference as a psychologist, I will interweave the psychological view throughout the course. Together we will work to integrate the various perspectives by consulting the primary literature and methods in each area. We will view a number of online lectures and films that will also serve as an introduction to preeminent scholars and themes. In addition, guest lecturers from around campus will share their cutting edge research with us. The material covered in this class is a thin sampling of an expansive field. Students are encouraged to broaden their view of cognitive science (and that of the professor) by reading articles and doing projects that are in their domain of expertise.

CS8803 Technology and Austism
While Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is believed to affect 1 in 166 people, autism is not well understood and there is little being done to produce tools and products for those affected by autism.The focus of this course will be to have students work in teams to develop a product prototype that solves an autism-related need,either for an individual with autism or those who are part of an assistance or education network
(parents, teachers, therapists, and aides).

PSYC 2015 Research Methods in Psychology
This course is an introduction to research principles and methods, particularly those used in psychological research. The goal of the course is to introduce you to:
(a) the scientific method of answering questions;
(b) the evaluation of information from a scientific perspective;
(c) how psychological research is conducted; and
(d) how psychological findings are communicated.

This goal will be accomplished using a combination of textbook and supplemental readings, lectures, laboratory projects, assignments, and exercises

PSYC 2103 Human Development