CHI 99 Online Communities Workshop
Position Paper

Amy Bruckman

Assistant Professor
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

Research Summary

In my research, I focus on applying the constructionist philosophy of education to the design of online communities. The word "constructionism" was first coined by Seymour Papert to describe an approach to education which advocates learning through design and construction activities, learning through working on personally meaningful projects. My students and I study how to create Electronic Learning Communities by applying these educational ideas to online community design. In such communities, participants learn in a self-motivated, peer-supported fashion. Community members provide technical support, emotional support, and an appreciative audience for completed work. My research focuses on how to design environments to make this sort of learning possible.

Research Methodology

I describe my research methodology as "activist learner-centered design." I begin with a set of social goals I would like to achieve--for example promoting professional community for media researchers, or getting children excited about learning reading, writing, and computer programming. Then I do a needs analysis through field work with the target user population. Next, I design a first prototype system. An iterative design cycle follows: results of formative evaluation with users lead to changes to the system design. Finally, I release the system to a larger population of users and do a summative evaluation of its effectiveness. That summative evaluation includes use of both quantitative (pre/post tests, log file analysis) and qualitative methods (participant-observer ethnography, clinical-style interviews).

Future Directions for My Research

Issues I'm focusing on include:

Other Important Issues for the Field

A few issues I believe are particularly important to the future of the field are:

Selected Publications