CHI 99 Online Communities Workshop
Position Paper

Judith Donath

Assistant Professor
Director, Sociable Media Group

MIT Media Lab
Cambridge, MA

Research Summary

I am interested in the relationship between technology and social interaction in the virtual world-- how does the design of an interface affect the way people perceive each other, the ways they choose to interact with each other, and the cultural mores they develop. Much of my work has focused on the design of experimental systems, such as visualizations of affiliation and role in online populations and abstract graphical interfaces for synchronous communication. The notion of identity is fundamental to this work: how does one represent the individual? what affordances does the system provide for self-expression? what does the interface reveal about the participants? How identity is established and expressed in a virtual environment has, I believe, a profound effect on how people behave and on the relationships they establish with one another.

Research Methodology

The practice in my research group could be called informed critical design. In part, it draws from the traditions of architecture and design: students develop an eye for design by reviewing and critiquing a variety of well-known interfaces and by presenting for critique a number of focused design studies. They also study a wide range of related work, drawing from sociology, anthropology, urban design, art history, cognitive science, etc. We are especially interested in developing a deeper understanding of how to use knowledge gained from experience in the everyday physical realm to inform the design of new virtual experiences that go "beyond being there" [Hollan and Stornetta] -- designs that expand upon the function (rather than the form) of their real world equivalents. In addition to our design work, we also carry out (often in conjunction with our visualization research) observational studies of online groups

Future Directions for My Research

Other Important Issues for the Field


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