Dhruv Batra


Spring 2019:
I received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).
Fall 2018:
I received the Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (ECASE-Army).
Fall 2018:
Our team from FAIR won the VizWiz Challenge at ECCV 2018 on Answering Visual Questions from Blind People.
Summer 18:
Our team from FAIR won the Visual Question Answering Challenge at CVPR 2018. Our winning entry is publicly available via Pythia.
Spring 18:
Devi Parikh and I received an AWS ML Research Award.
I am serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2018, ICLR 2018, ECCV 2018.
Aug 2017:
Our work on language emergence, studying the properties of languages invented by AI agents won a best paper award at EMNLP 2017!
Spring 17:
I received the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award!
Spring 17:
I received an Amazon Academic Research Award (AARA) for Visual Dialog.


Fall 2016:
I am moving to Georgia Tech (School of Interactive Computing).
I am serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2017, ICLR 2017, NIPS 2017, UAI 2017.
Interview with WVTF Radio IQ for our work on Visual Question Answering!
2 papers accepted at NIPS16. 5 papers accepted at EMNLP16.
4 papers accepted at CVPR16. 2 papers accepted at NAACL16.
1 paper accepted at ICLR16. 1 paper accepted at WACV16.


2 papers accepted at ICCV15. 1 paper accepted at NIPS15.
Devi Parikh and I received a Google Faculty Research Award for Visual Question Answering (VQA)!
I am serving as an Area Chair for CVPR 2016.
Fall 2015:
Teaching ECE 6504: Deep Learning for Perception.
New arxiv paper on VQA: Visual Question Answering.
Check out the dataset at visualqa.org!
2 papers accepted at CVPR15 (1 poster, 1 oral).
I received the Outstanding New Assistant Professor award from the College of Engineering, VT.
Spring 15:
I am serving at the Doctoral Consortium Chair at ICCV 2015.
Spring 15:
Teaching ECE 5984: Intro to Machine Learning.


Fall 2014:
New papers at NIPS14 and Signal Processing journal.
I received the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award!
I received the Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Program (YIP) award!
2 papers accepted at CVPR14. 1 paper accepted at AISTATS14.
Received an equipment gift (Tesla K40) as part of the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Donation Program. Thanks NVIDIA!
Recieved Windows Azure for Research Award for CloudCV.
Spring 14:
Teaching ECE 6504: Advanced Machine Learning: Probabilistic Graphical Models.


Our CloudCV project was awarded an Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Education: Machine Learning Research Grant.
Recognized as the VT Teacher of the Week by the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research (CIDER), for developing new, innovative curriculum.
[ CIDER News Release | Fall 2013 class | Spring 2013 class ]
My work in Diverse Structured Prediction was awarded an NSF Grant. [Project Page]
My work with Chris Dyer, Kevin Gimpel and Greg Shakhnarovich, won the Google Faculty Research Award.
Fall 2013:
Teaching ECE 4984/5984: Introduction to Machine Learning & Perception. From now on, this class will be offered only in Fall.
We are starting a Computer Vision and Machine Learning Reading Group. Please sign up if interested in participating.
1 paper accepted at ICCV 2013. 1 paper accepted at EMNLP 2013.
I taught a tutorial on Beyond MAP: Making Multiple Predictions from Probabilistic Models: Diversity, DPPs and more at CVPR13, with Alex Kulesza, Dennis Park and Deva Ramanan. Slides and videos are now online.
I am serving as a Co-Guest-Editor of the TPAMI Special Issue on Higher Order Graphical Models in Computer Vision: Modelling, Inference & Learning.
Spring 13:
Taught ECE 4984/5984: Introduction to Machine Learning & Perception. Student poster/demo session featured in ECE News. Some demo videos available here.
2 papers accepted at CVPR13 (1 poster, 1 oral). 1 paper accepted at AISTATS13 (oral).
Moved to VT: My group (Machine Learning & Perception @ VT) has an opening for a post-doc. Please email me for details.