Pathload tutorial

Pathload is an end-to-end available bandwidth estimation tool.
  1. Overview of Pathload
  2. Building Pathload
  3. Running Pathload
  4. Examples
  5. Interpreting Pathload output
  6. References

1. Overview of Pathload

Pathload is a tool for estimating the available bandwidth of an end-to-end path from a host S (sender) to a host R (receiver). The available bandwidth is the maximum IP-layer throughput that a flow can get in the path from S to R, without reducing the rate of the rest of the traffic in the path.

The estimation algorithm of Pathload is based on the SLoPS methodology, which is described in: Pathload : A measurement tool for end-to-end available bandwidth" , by Manish Jain and Constantine Dovrolis, published at PAM 2002.

A more extensive study of available bandwidth is given in: "End-to-End Available Bandwidth: Measurement methodology, Dynamics, and Relation with TCP Throughput", to appear at the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, August 2003 (journal version of the ACM SIGCOMM 2002 paper).

Briefly, Pathload is based on the following key idea: When a process at S sends a periodic stream of UDP packet at a rate higher than the available bandwidth in the path, the relative one-way packet delays show an increasing trend. When the stream rate is lower than the available bandwidth, the relative one-way packet delays show no consistent trend.

Pathload consists of a process running at S and a process running at R. S sends periodic streams of UDP packets from S to R at a certain rate. Pathload does not determine whether a particular rate (Tr) is greater than available bandwidth (A) based on just one stream. Instead, it sends "a fleet of N streams", so that it has N samples to decide whether Tr > A, or not.

Upon the receipt of a complete fleet, R checks if there is an increasing trend in the relative one-way packet delays in each stream. If a large fraction f of the N streams in a fleet show increasing trend, then the entire fleet is said to have increasing trend and the next fleet rate is lower than Tr. If a large fraction f of streams in a fleet show no trend, then the entire fleet is said to have no trend and the next fleet rate is higher than Tr.

A certain fleet rate falls into the `grey region' when less than f x N streams of the fleet show increasing trend, and less than f x N streams show no trend.
This can happen when the available bandwidth was more than fleet rate for some streams and less than the fleet rate for some other streams. In other words, the available bandwidth during the fleet duration varied above and below the fleet rate, causing some streams to show increasing trend and others to show no trend.

The iterative estimation algorithm of Pathload terminates when:

2. Building Pathload

Unpack the tar ball. Change directory to pathload_x.y.z . Run "configure" and then run "make".

     $gunzip pathload_x.y.z.tar.gz
     $tar xvf pathload_x.y.z.tar
     $cd pathload_x.y.z

You should then have two executables:

  1. pathload_snd (to be run at the sender)
  2. pathload_rcv (to be run at the receiver)

3. Running Pathload

3.1 Pathload sender
To do available bandwidth estimation, first run pathload_snd at the sender S:
$pathload_snd [-q] [-h|-H] [-i]
  -q: quite mode
 -H|-h: print this help and exit
 -i: run sender in iterative (persistent) mode

3.2 Pathload receiver
Then, run pathload_rcv at the receiver R:
$pathload_rcv [-q|-v] [-o|-O <filename>] [-N <filename>] [-w <bw_resol>] [-H|-h] -s <sender>
  -s : hostname/ipaddress of sender
  -q: quite mode
  -v: verbose mode
 -w: user specified bandwidth resolution
  -o <file>: write log to user specified file [default is pathload.log]
  -O <file> : append log to user specified file [default is pathload.log]
 -N <file>: append output in netlogger format to <file>
 -H|-h: print this help and exit

[-o] By default, receiver always appends detailed output to file "pathload.log". The output file can be changed by specifying a filename with -o switch. Note that if the specified file already exits, it will be over-written.

[-O] Similar to -o except that the log is appended to the file.

[-q,-v] By default, receiver sends minimal output (fleet rate and final result) to terminal (stdout). To completely disable any message on stdout, use -q (quite mode). To enable detailed output on screen, use -v (Verbose mode). Note that, log file (user specified or "pathload.log") contains exactly the same output as -v.

[-N] Specify a file name to store output in netlogger compatible format.

[-w] By default, bandwidth resolution (bw-resol) is set to a fraction of the Average Dispersion Rate (ADR) in the path. To change default bw-resol use -w. bw-resol allows the user to select the precision with which Pathload should try to estimate the available bandwidth. Keep in mind that the available bandwidth is a dynamically varying metric, and so its variation range may be wider than the user-specified resolution. In that case, Pathload will report the "grey region", which is an estimate of the variation range of the available bandwidth.

4. Examples

Say you want to measure the available bandwidth from host A to host B.
Rrun pathload_snd at A and pathload_rcv at B.

At host A,
$> ./pathload_snd

At host B,
$> ./pathload_rcv -s A
In this example, the sender will terminate after the receiver completes one measurement.
The detailed output will be logged to default file "pathload.log".

Now, if you wanted to change the default log file at receiver B:
$> ./pathload_rcv -s A -o testrun.log

If you also wanted detailed output on screen as well netlogger output:
$> ./pathload_rcv -s A -o testrun.log -N netlogger.log -v

5. Interpreting the Pathload output

Sample default output on receiver :-

Line # | Actual output
Line 1 : jawks [507]$ ./pathload_rcv -s sirius
Line 2 : Receiver jawks starts measurements on sender sirius at Sun Apr 6 15:29:44 2003
Line 3 : Receiving Fleet 0, Rate 97.40Mbps
Line 4 : Receiving Fleet 1, Rate 193.55Mbps
Line 5 : Receiving Fleet 2, Rate 145.47Mbps
Line 6 : Receiving Fleet 3, Rate 121.44Mbps
Line 7 : Receiving Fleet 4, Rate 109.42Mbps
Line 8 : Receiving Fleet 5, Rate 103.41Mbps
Line 10:         *****  RESULT *****
Line 11: Available bandwidth range : 97.40 - 103.41 (Mbps)
Line 12: Measurements finished at Sun Apr  6 15:29:44 2003
Line 13: Measurement latency is 5.69 sec

Explanation :-
     Line 1 Shows the command executed for this run of Pathload.
     Line 2 Shows the sender and receiver hostname and start time of 
     Line 3-8 Show the various rates that Pathload tries iteratively
            to estimate avail-bw range.
     Line 11 Shows the final estimate of available bandwidth range.
     Line 12 Shows the finish time.
     Line 13 Gives the total time taken for measurement.
Sample detailed output on receiver (same as in log file):
(not a complete snapshot, but shows all the different message output)
Line 1 : Receiver jawks starts measurements on sender sirius at Sun Apr 6 15:29:44 2003 
Line 2 :   Maximum packet size          :: 1472 bytes
Line 3 :   send latency @sndr           :: 4 usec
Line 4 :   recv latency @rcvr           :: 5 usec
Line 5 :   Minimum packet spacing       :: 10 usec
Line 6 :   Max rate(max_pktsz/min_time) :: 1200.00mbps
Line 7 :   ADR [.]                      :: 97.40Mbps
Line 8 :   Grey bandwidth resolution    :: 4.87
Line 9 : 
Line 10: 
Line 11: Receiving Fleet 0
Line 12:   Fleet Parameter(req)  :: R=97.40Mbps, L=946B, K=100packets, T=80usec
Line 13:   Lossrate per stream   :: :0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0
Line 14:   # of CS @ sndr        :: : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0
Line 15:   # of CS @ rcvr        :: : 1: 0: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 0: 1
Line 16:   # of DS @ rcvr        :: : 1: 0: 0: 1: 0: 0: 0: 0: 2: 0: 1
Line 17:   Fleet Parameter(act)  :: R=93.88Mbps, L=946B, K=100packets, T=83usec
Line 18:   PCT metric/stream[12] :: 0.09:0.27:0.27:0.36:0.09:0.09:0.18:0.27:0.36:0.09:0.09:0.20:
Line 19:   PDT metric/stream[12] :: 0.33:0.28:0.00:0.68:-0.14:-0.11:-0.20:-0.03:0.41:-0.33:-0.50:0.12:
Line 20:   PCT Trend/stream [12] :: NNNNNNNNNNNN
Line 21:   PDT Trend/stream [12] :: NNNINNNNUNNN
Line 22:   Trend per stream [12] :: NNNUNNNNNNNN
Line 23:   Aggregate trend       :: NO TREND
Line 24:   Rmin-Rmax             :: 97.40-0.00Mbps
Line 25:   Gmin-Gmax             :: 0.00-0.00Mbps
Line 26: 
Line 27: 	*****  RESULT *****
Line 28: Available bandwidth range : 99.59 - 102.91 (Mbps)
Line 29: Measurements finished at Sun Apr  6 15:37:02 2003 
Line 30: Measurement latency is 5.83 sec 
Explanation :-
     Line 2 Minimum of of the maximum packet sizes on sender and receiver.
     Line 3 Latency of "send" system call at sender.
     Line 4 Latency of "recv" system call at receiver.
     Line 5 Two times the maximum of "send" and "recv" latency.
     Line 6 Maximum rate which can be measured.
     Line 7 Asymptotic dispersion rate, used as the rate of first fleet.
     Line 8 Grey bandwidth resolution.
     Line 11-25 Information corresponding to each fleet 
     Line 11 Shows the fleet number.
Line 12 Shows the fleet parameters that the receiver requested from the sender: R (rate of fleet) L (packet size) K (number of packet per stream) T (inter-packet spacing) Line 13 Shows the loss rate per stream with ":" used as separator. Line 14 Shows the number of instances when sender side processes was "possibly" interrupted while sending stream. Line 15 Shows the number of instances when receiver side processes was "possibly" interrupted while sending stream. Line 16 Shows the number of instances when receiver side processes was "possibly" interrupted while sending stream. Line 17 Shows the number of packets discarded per stream. Line 18 Shows the actual fleet parameters (same format as in line 2). Line 19 Shows the actual PCT metric for relative one-way packet delay trend per stream. Line 20 Shows the actual PDT metric for relative one-way packet delay trend per stream. Line 21 Shows the one-way delay trend, per stream, using PCT. I - Increasing trend. N - No trend. U - Unusable. Line 22 Shows the one-way delay trend, per stream, using PDT. I - Increasing trend. N - No trend. U - Unusable. Line 23 Shows the aggregate trend of the fleet. Possible values are: INCREASING NOTREND GREY Line 24 Shows current value of (Rmin, Rmax) after current fleet. Rmin - maximum rate which showed No trend. Rmax - minimum rate which showed Increasing trend. Line 25 Shows current value of (Gmin, Gmax) after current fleet. Gmax - maximum rate (< Rmax) which showed grey region. Gmin - minimum rate (> Rmin) which showed grey region. Line 27-30 Result of Pathload Line 28 Available bandwidth range during the measurement period Line 30 Total time taken for measurement
Finally, Pathload exits with one of the following messages :-
  1. Exiting due to grey region.
    The range reported by Pathload in this case is approximately equal to the range of the grey region [Gmin,Gmax].

  2. Exiting due to user specified resolution.
    The user specified resolution could be achieved.

  3. ATTN :: Unable to narrow avail-bw range range further because correct time spacing could not be achieved on more than one occasion
    When Pathload exits with this message, it means that
    during at least one fleet, the sender was unable to
    send a fleet with the inter-packet spacing that the receiver

  4. ATTN :: Available bw is > maximum rate that current version of Pathload can measure.
    This constraint limits the maximum rate that Pathload
    can generate. Maximum rate depends on the maximum packet size
    and time latency of send/recv call.
    If that rate is reached at a certain fleet, the tool does not proceed any further.

  5. ATTN :: Measurement terminated due high rate of CS @ sender/receiver.
    It implies that either the sender or receiver host was interrupted
    while sending a single stream. This could be due to a lot
    of CPU intensive processes running on either host.
    In the log file, two fields "# of CS @ sndr" and "# of CS @ rcvr"
    will give some indication as to which host is causing context
    switching in Pathload.

6. References

  1. "Pathload : A measurement tool for end-to-end available bandwidth"
    Manish Jain and Constantine Dovrolis
    PAM 2002.
  2. End-to-End Available Bandwidth: Measurement methodology, Dynamics, and Relation with TCP Throughput"
    Manish Jain and Constantine Dovrolis
    To appear at the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, August 2003 (journal version of the ACM SIGCOMM 2002 paper).

Constantine Dovrolis, April 2003