

I have been a quilter since 1995 when I took a class at Dream Quilters in Tucker, GA.  I machine piece my quilts and until recently hand quilted them.  I have lost my time and patience for detailed hand stitching, so I have been experimenting with machine quilting.  I hate applique but I occasionally get suckered in by an especially nice looking design.   I am lusting after a Bernina sewing machine.   Here are some examples of my work. 

Completed February/March 2009. 

I made this quilt for the baby of close friends.   It is machine pieced and machine quilted.  It is backed with fleece and does not contain batting.  That worked out really well.  It’s much more colorful than my “usual”.

Dot to Dot.  Completed December 2009.

I made this quilt for my nephew Nelson Witte born September 2009.  It turned out too big for a baby quilt so I divided it into a rectangular wall hanging and a square baby quilt.  It is machine pieced, machine appliqued and machine quilted.  Trying to quilt the applique pieces with their backing adhesive was a disaster; too sticky.  It is backed with flannel because they didn’t have the right fleece color at the store.

Christmas Remembered.  Completed December 2009.  I made this quilt for my mother-in-law Judy.  I didn’t want it to look too Christmasy, but I’m not sure I succeeded. The block is called Columbian Puzzle. Machine pieced and quilted.

Uneven Plaid.  Completed Spring 2004(?).

I made this quilt to hang on our very large two story wall in the family room.  Getting it hung was fun.  A friend and I stood on tall ladders while both our moms wrung their hands.  I am very pleased with how the light-to-dark transition works.  Machine pieced and quilted in the ditch.

The Dogwood Star.  Completed Spring 2008.

I made this quilt twice, once to give away and once to keep.  It’s made by piecing long narrow strips of common colors and then cutting the pieced strips into triangles.  I like that effect.  I have this hanging on my wall in my office.