Lab1 Grading


IPC check cycle 1000 ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -readtrace 1 -printinst 0 -tracename trace0.pzip -printinst 0 -print_pipe_freq 0 -max_sim_count 1000 -- /bin/ls > dump100.txt

IPC check cycle 1000 ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -readtrace 1 -printinst 0 -tracename trace0.pzip -printinst 0 -print_pipe_freq 0 -max_sim_count 10000 -- /bin/ls > dump1000.txt

Pipeline latch and data and control hazard test
../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -readtrace 1 -printinst 0 -tracename trace0.pzip -printinst 0 -print_pipe_freq 1 -max_sim_count 1000 -o sim.out -- /bin/ls > pipeline.txt

Sim end condition
../../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -readtrace 1 -printinst 0 -tracename trace0.pzip -printinst 0 -- /bin/ls

Regrading Policy

Only for this assignment, we allow resubmissions with small penalty.

Only for this assignment, system setting issue is the main reason for the failure of the grading script, there is no penalty.
Resubmission deadline: October 3 (Su) 6 pm
(No late submission for resubmission)

Your total score will be one of the highest scores. Note that resubmission is not required and in fact, even if your first score is higher than one of the following 3 score calculation formulas, your final score will be still following the scores. (i.e., your total score will be lowered).
first grade: Total score of the first submission
second grade: Total score of the second submission
diff score: (diff sim.cpp(your original submission) sim.cpp(new submission)) | wc
  • final = (first grade*0.4 + second grade*0.6)
  • final = second grade - MAX((diff score)*5, 10)
  • final = second grade - 10 (if you remove only extra print statements)
  • final = second grade if the grading was failed because of compilation, or system setting issues.