CS7290 Advanced microarchitecture

Fall 2014
Instructor: Prof. Hyesoon Kim
Final Project

In your final project, you can choose either HDL programming or research project using a timing simulator.
You can do other projects. All project proposals should be discussed with the instructor on either Oct 31 (F) or Nov 3 (M) and need to get an approval.
This can be a group project.

  • Research Project option
    If you decide to do a research project, the work should be sufficient enough to write a workshop like paper. Potential topics (but not limited) are as follows: You have to write a 6 ~ 8-page double column paper (IEEE style) as a final report and you will also have a 10-min presentation in the last day of the class. Please see other architecture conference papers as your reference.

  • HDL Programming option
    You can extend your own CHDL design or you can use existing CHDL design and extend it. MIPS core and HARP ISA cores are already existing. The potential options as follows. You have to do a demo of your final implementation for the HDL programming option. You also have to submit a short report to describe your work.


    What to submit
  • Proposal: about 800 words abstract to describe the topic. References and time line.
  • Progress report: IEEE format double column 3 page report. You must include related work section in the progress report.
  • Progress demo: Schedule a demo and show your progress.