
Getting started

  1. 1.The card that you put in to the console is called the R4DS card. When you get the card- it should have nothing on it.

  2. 2.To make our programs run on the console- we need to have the right firmware for it. This can be downloaded from here. Our card is marked v1.4- make sure you download the correct version. NOTE: There are many websites with similar names- all offering similar downloads. The link here is the only one I know that works.

  3. 3.Extract it someplace on your PC.

  4. 4.Put the microSD card (which looks like this) in the USB adapter that came in the red box. Then connect it to your computer. This should be detected as any other pen drive.

  5. 5.Copy the files you extracted in Step#3 to the microSD card.

  6. 6.Next, take the card out of the USB adapter, put it in the nintendoDS adapter- put it into slot#1 of the console and start the console.

  7. 7.Select “Star wars lethal alliance..“

  8. 8.On the bottom screen you should see a yellow smily to the left- tap it.

  9. 9.You should now see the list of your programs. (There should be nothing at the beginning)

Part 1- To compile stuff on your PC

  1. 1.Download devkitProUpdater-1.5.0.exe.

  2. 2.Run this and select “download and install” NOT “download only”

  3. 3.This will also install the programmers notepad tool.

  4. 4.Installation location we will use: C:\devKitPro

  5. 5.In order to test our programs on our PC- we need an emulator. You can get it here.

Part 2- To run on your console

  1. 1.This is a wonderful link to get started. You don’t need to read/understand everything.

  2. 2.Here are some homebrew tutorials. But they seem to be out of date.

next stop: HelloWorld assignment >HelloWorld.html
This homepage is created by Joshi Shreyas.