Class Presentation

Each student will choose a date from the schedule and present the paper assigned on that day to the class. The presentation is supposed to be an in depth description and analysis of the paper. It should be 60 minutes long and then with 15-20 minutes remaining for a brainstorming session. The format of the talk should be similar to a conference presentation. Because it is the responsibility of the presenter to teach the class about the papers, the student will be expected to know and understand all the aspects of the material. Thus, it is important to be prepared. This may require you to do additional background reading and to incorporate information from supplemental sources. If you have questions regarding the content of your assigned papers, you should arrange to meet with the instructor well in advance of your talk date.

Students are encouraged to reach out to the authors of the paper in advance regarding the availability of presentation slides. If you borrow from other presentations, be sure to provide attribution.

The presenter will be expected to lead a stimulating discussion of the questions and comments submitted by their peers in their reviews. You should engage the class by periodically asking questions to carry the discussion forward. You are strongly encouraged to propose new ideas and discuss with the class.


Each presentation must include the following information:

  • What is this paper about?
  • What is the main contribution?
  • Describe the technical approach presented in the paper.
  • Discuss the goals of the empirical analysis.
  • Describe the experimental setup: datasets, workloads, etc.
  • Summarize the insights from the empirical study.
  • Briefly describe related work and discuss how the paper differs from these papers.
  • What new ideas did this paper give you? What would you be curious to try?
  • What are the next research directions in this line of work?
  • What experiments can deepen our understanding?


Each talk will be evaluated on a ten-point scale by the instructor.

  • 4 points — Clarity
  • 5 points — Discussion
  • 1 point — Slide Deck Organization
  • 1 point — Bonus (exceptional talks with innovative ideas)


Send your slides to the course email address 48 hrs prior to your presentation.

After your presentation in class, send a final copy of your slides to the course email address. They will be published on the course website.


We have provided a recommended template that you may want to use for your presentation (see link on Piazza).

Slides should be made as visual (with videos, images, animations) and clear as possible. Students should practice their talks ahead of time to make sure they are of appropriate length -- not shorter by more than a few minutes, and certainly not longer. The talks should be well organized and polished.

Presentation Tips

Oral Presentation Advice
Oral Presentations: Tips, Significance, Design, Guidelines & Presentation

WARNING: It is acceptable for students to use information and content (e.g., images and graphics) found on the Internet and to check with the authors regarding the availability of their slide decks. The original source must be properly attributed/cited. No credit will be given for presentations without proper citations. Students are expected to abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code.