EVA is a new database system tailored for video analytics -- think PostgreSQL for videos. It supports a SQL-like language for querying videos (e.g., finding frames in a movie with your favorite actor or finding touchdowns in a football game). It comes with a wide range of commonly used computer vision models. Video is a rapidly growing source of data at scale in many domains. For example, an analyst at an autonomous car company may be interested in examining edge cases for their cars. A neuroscientist may be interested in understanding behavioral patterns of animals. The volume of visual data collected in these domains precludes the possibility of manual analysis. We are studying and developing techniques for accelerating large-scale video analytics using deep learning. EVA speeds up queries over large video datasetes and saves money spent on model inference using a suite of database-inspired optimizations like sampling, caching, and clustering.


Peloton is a self-driving database system with a new architecture that is designed for autonomous operation. Unlike earlier attempts in system tuning that only optimize the system for the current workload, Peloton predicts future workload trends and prepares itself accordingly. With this design, it can support all of the traditional system tuning techniques without requiring a human to determine the right way and proper time to deploy them. It also enables new optimizations that are important for modern high-performance DBMSs, but which are not possible today because the complexity of managing these systems has surpassed the abilities of human experts.


SQLCheck automates the detection of common SQL anti-patterns.


PostgreSQL-CPP is a port of the PostgreSQL Database Management System to the C++ language ( C++11 standard). It led to a subsequent porting effort ( PostgreSQL hackers mailing list). We used the ported PostgreSQL frontend for bootstrapping the Peloton system.


N-Store is a lightweight DBMS to evaluate different NVM-aware storage engines for transaction processing workloads. It is a part of Wisconsin's WHISPER benchmark suite. This system was subsumed into Peloton.