CSR: Small: Storage Architecture for the Next Generation of Smart Mobile Platforms: Award CSR-1218520

Principal Investigators:

Graduate Students:



Mobile computing is sweeping the world. According to recent statistics, there are up to 4 billion mobile users (more than half of the world's population), with accelerated penetration in regions such as India and Africa. This trend is even more significant in the light of predictions about mobile devices dominating most personal computing landscape in the near future. Recent studies are pointing to the permanent storage in such devices being a weak link. Due to considerations of power and physical footprint, flash has been the storage technology of choice hitherto in mobile platforms. Newer storage technologies such as PCM, and STT-RAM are on the horizon as a competitor to flash. Each of these technologies have their own idiosyncracies both from the point of view of architecting them (from a hardware perspective) and integrating them in the operating system (OS) stack (from a system software perspective). It is time to take a critical look at the OS software stack and architect it to plan for future evolutions of the storage technologies. In this proposal, we focus on the system software and hardware issues, in an integrated fashion, in the construction of high-performance storage architecture for mobile platforms.

The goals of the project are summarized below:

Graduated PhD Students:

Annual Reports:

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