Home Schedule Assignments Piazza



Homework assignments require python programming. Use this python primer to practice python syntax.

  1. Grid navigation (with random agent) - due 1/18 at 11:55pm [updated: 01/08/15]
  2. Navmesh navigation (with random agent) - due 2/1 at 11:55pm [updated: 01/16/15]
  3. All-pairs shortest path navigation - due 2/11 at 11:55pm [updated: 01/29/15]
  4. A* pathfinding - due 2/18 at 11:55pm [updated: 02/07/15]
  5. Minion agents - due 3/4 at 11:55pm [updated: 02/27/15, grading criteria clarified per discussion in class]
  6. Hero agents - due 3/22 at 11:55pm [updated: 03/09/15, grading criteria added]
  7. Complete MOBA (optional) - 3/29 at 11:55pm

Instructions for how to install pygame and the game engine

Final Project

The final project will be to implement an artificial intelligence that procedurally generates game levels. Procedural content generation (PCG) is the art and technology of using algorithms to create some or all of the content that players experience in a game. In this case, we will be exploring level generation by automatically generating all aspects of terrain and enemies that a player will encounter during a single level of gameplay. PCG is an emerging area in interest in the computer game development industry.

Final projects will be conducted by teams of two.

Projects are due by 4/28 at 11:55pm. Projects will be demoed live in a game jam during the final exam period on 4/29 from 8:00am to 10:50am. There will be a popular contest for best level generator.

Undergraduate students and graduate students will have different projects.

CS 4731 and LMC 4731

The final project will be to implement an artificial intelligence that procedurally generates levels for a Super Mario Bros. clone. Given some statistics about a hypothetical user, one must automatically generate the level that will be the best gameplay experience for that user. Sample player statistics will be provided for testing and for grading.

Project description

CS 7632 and LMC 6215 MR

The final project will be to implement a tower-defense level generator for the MOBA game engine, including tower, terrain, and resource placement. The level generator should customize the level to player skill level. The project should implement a machine learning algorithm to model the player. The project will need to implement data collection, machine learning algorithm, data analysis, and procedural level layout.

Project description