Installing the Game Engine

The game engine is built in python, using the pygame and numpy packages.

Pygame is a 32-bit package. You will need a 32-bit version of python.

Step 1: Install Pygame


  1. Install python (version 2.7.x recommended)
  2. Install pygame (pygame-1.9.1.win32-py2.7.msi should work) from
  3. Download NumPy 1.9.1 32-bit for Python 2.7 from

Macintosh OSX 10.7 and above

The following instructions work with the default version of python bundled with your Mac:

  1. Install X11 (XQuartz) from
  2. Install pygame-1.9.2pre-py2.7-macosx10.7.mpkg
  3. Download NumPy 1.9.1 32-bit for Python 2.7 from

Macintosh OSX above 10.3.9 but below 10.7

  1. Download the pygame 1.9.1 installation package from that matches the version of python installed on your computer.
  2. Download NumPy 1.9.1 32-bit for Python 2.7 from

Linux Fedora

  1. sudo yum install numpy
  2. sudo yum install pygame pygame-devel

In order to run package-manager downloaded packages, you will need to use the command line /usr/bin/python in the event that you might have multiple versions of python installed.

Linux Mint

  1. Get python 2.7.6
  2. sudo apt-get install python-pygame
  3. sudo apt-get install python numpy

Step 2: Download the game engine

There is a different version of the game engine for every assignment. Codebases for assignments are in T-Square under the "resources" section.

Regardless of assignment, the game engine can be run by finding the appropriate run*.py file and running it with python. For example, the basic version without any AI can be run from the command line with: