CS 4731/8803: Game AI Summer 2013 Schedule

The information on the course homepage bears repeating: The syllabus and webpage should be considered a living document subject to change throughout the course of the semester. This page in particular will be updated frequently. I reserve the right to modify any of these plans as need be during the course of the class; however, I won't do anything too drastic, and you'll be informed as far in advance as possible. There are multiple places in the class schedule to accommodate student interests in particular subjects.

The schedule is as follows:

Date Topic Reading Due Notes
5/14 Intro M Ch 1 & 2 Project 1: Ms. Pacman Ghosts
5/16 Graphs, Search, And Movement M Ch4, B Ch5 & 8 -
5/21 Steering M Ch3, B Ch1 & 3 Consider delivering Pacman Ghosts for drop-add reasons
5/23 Decision Making: FSM B Ch2, M 5.1,5.3 Project 1 due night before. Project 2: microRTSx
5/28 Decision Making: Planning M 5.7 -
5/30 Decision Making: Trees M 5.2, 5.4 -
6/4 Decision Making: Rule-based Systems M 5.8 -
6/6 Decison Making: Communication M 5.9, 5.10, B Ch 6 Elevator Pitches
6/11 Decision Making: Fuzzy M 5.5, B 10 Project 2 due wed night
6/13 Playoffs! Winner: harrison, athena (tie) - Project 3 assigned: mario PCG
6/18 Procedural Content Generation Read PCG papers from mario PCG hints -
6/20 Player Models Read PCG papers on t-square -
6/25 Discussions (PCG papers) Finish PCG papers CAPSTONE project
6/27 Demo day CAPSTONE released Project 3 due night before.
7/2 Work in groups on capstone M 7.1-2 Milestones W0 and W1 due.
7/4 HOLIDAY Catchup on readings linked to in presentations Enjoy the 4th!
7/9 Learning: Search Revisited & Evolution M 7.8 Milestone W2 due
7/11 Learning: RL M 7.7 -
7/16 Learning: CBR & Action Prediction M 7.3 -
7/18 Game Demos. Designing Game AI & AI Based Games M 12 & 13 Milestone W3 due
7/23 Special topics: Big Data Tactics: M 6 Milestone W4 due
7/25 Recap & Eval - Capstone delivery by 7/28 at 11:55pm
7/30 Finals (No class) - -
8/1 Final Exam Period 11:30a-2:20p, here. Capstone demos