CS4400 Introduction to Database Systems

(Spring 2000, Section B)

| General | Textbook | Administration | Topics & Reading | Notes | Project | FAQ|
GT Calendar | demo grading info | Demo Location CCB 103 |

General Information

Administrative Issues

Grading Policy:

	Midterm 1	20%   (5th Week:  Feb 10 Thursday)
	Midterm 2	20%   (10th Week: March 16 Thursday) 
	Project		40%   (15th Week: April 20 Thursday) 
	Final		20%   (May 3 Wednesday 8:00 - 10:50am) 
For each of the above, there will be a deadline for appealing your grade. No appeals will be considered after this deadline unless there is a medical or other excuse for absence during the appeal period.

Re-examination: No re-examination except as per regulations.

On-line Information: Course-related information, as well as the assignments, will be maintained on-line in a form that is accessible via the Web page for CS 4400. The URL for this page is


You are recommended to check this page regularly. The on-line availability of the notes will be announced in class, but there won't be any handouts.

Policy on Collaboration:

  • You are allowed to discuss the project with each other. Give credit to others for their ideas. But DO NOT merely copy the design idea and the code of others.
  • Midterms and final exam are close-book exams.

Course Description:

This is an introductory course on the basic concepts and the elements of database systems. It covers three main aspects of a database system:
  • A "classic" introduction to the relational data model concepts.
  • A comprehensive introduction to the database design theory, methods and algorithms.
  • A brief introduction to the main implementation techniques of database management systems (DBMSs).
  • An overview of the state of art database technology and applications.
You are expected to learn the design of database application systems through a small project and to get some practical hand-on experience with commercial database management systems by writing application programs using the commercial DBMS query languages. The main topics are data models, architecture of database systems, data definition and manipulation languages, database design methods and the theory of data dependencies and relational normalization.

In addition, this course will outline advanced database systems, and overview some emerging database technologies and applications that address new challenges to database and information management in general.

Topics Covered:

Introduction and Course Adminstration
Basic concepts - data independence, database architecture, database system components
Notes + 1, 2
Conceptual database level - entity-relationship model 3, 4
Relational data model - introduction and algebra 7
Mapping from ER model to relational model 9.1, 9.2
SQL query language 8
Methodology for the analysis, specification, design and implementation of database applications Notes
Relational database design - normal forms, functional dependencies 14, 15
Relational Database Management System - Oracle 10
Embedded SQL in C programming language Notes
Relational calculus qery languages 9.3, 9.4
Internal database level - storage structures 5, 6
A short introduction to DBMS Implementation Issues: Query Processing,
Transaction Management, Concurrency Control and Recovery
Notes (primary) &
15-19 (reference)
Database security and authorization 22
Database and the Web; Object-oriented databases Notes; 11, 12, 13
Client-server and distributed databases 24
Data warehousing and data mining 26

[Link to GT]

January 4, 2000