How to add info (faculty)

0. Your URL is You may use this URL instead of or in addition to any other URLs you might have. (See What is my URL?)

1. Select a Web directory if you don't have one already. E-mail the URL for your Web directory to Ashwin Ram, (See Where is my Web directory?)

2. In your Web directory, create one or more of the following files. (These files will be copied, HTMLized, and installed at 6:00am every morning.)
To be added to the faculty list. Create a file called BIO. Click here to see the format and for sample BIOs you can adapt.
To add your papers to the publications list. Create a file called ABSTRACTS. Click here to see the format and for sample ABSTRACTS you can adapt.
To add your projects to the research projects list. Create a file called PROJECTS. Click here to see the format and for sample PROJECTS you can adapt.
To add your courses to the courses list. Create a file called COURSES. Click here to see the format and for sample COURSES you can adapt.
To announce events, seminars, etc. of interest. Create a file called EVENTS. Click here to see the format and for sample EVENTS you can adapt.
To add your activities (conference chair, journal editor, lab director, etc.) to the faculty activities list. Create a file called ACTIVITIES. Click here to see the format and for sample ACTIVITIES you can adapt.
To add your students to the students list. Ask them to follow the directions under How to add info (students)".
To add your graduated students to the alumni list. E-mail their info to Ashwin Ram.
Any other changes, suggestions, corrections, etc. E-mail to Ashwin Ram.

3. To activate your URL ( If this URL does not work, you have not created the index.html file in your Web directory. This is your main "home page" and can contain anything you like. Make sure it is not location-specific (e.g., use something like

(or wherever your Web directory is) at the top of the file, and reference everything relevant to that.) For samples, visit a home page you like and select the "View Source" menu item.