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NAVAIR Intelligent Autonomy

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This project addresses mission specification and task allocation for multiple heterogeneous vehicles, designing behaviors for coordination and cooperation, performance analysis and case based reasoning for mission and tasks, and verification and validation in the presence of adversial agents.

  • AO-FNC Document
    • A. R. Wagner, Y. Endo, P. Ulam, and R. C. Arkin, "Multi-robot User Interface Modeling," to be presented at The 8th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, Minneapolis, M.N., 2006
    • Y. Endo, P. Ulam, and A. Wagner, "AO-FNC Design Document: CBR-CNP Integrated System 'Type I'," Design Document Rev. 12: 2005-12-12, Georgia Tech Mobile Robot Laboratory, Atlanta, G.A., 2005.
    • Y. Endo and P. Ulam, "AO-FNC Design Document: CBR-CNP Integrated System 'Type II'," Design Document Rev. 3: 2006-06-09, Georgia Tech Mobile Robot Laboratory, Atlanta, G.A., 2005.

  • MARS 2020 Document
    • M. Castelnovi, R. Arkin, and T. Collins, "Reactive Speed Control System Based on Terrain Roughness Detection," presented at IEEE Int'l Conf. Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
    • Y. Endo, P. D. Ulam, R. C. Arkin, T. R. Balch, and M. D. Powers, "An Empirical Evaluation of Context-Sensitive Pose Estimators in an Urban Outdoor Environment," Technical Report GIT-GVU-05-13, College of Computing, Georgia Inst. Technology, Atlanta, G.A., 2005.
    • M. Powers and T. Balch, "Value-Based Communication Preservation for Mobile Robots," presented at International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, Toulouse, France, 2004.
    • A. R. Wagner and R. C. Arkin, "Internalized Plans for Communication-Sensitive Robot Team Behaviors," presented at IEEE Int'l Conf. Intelligent Robotics and Systems, Las Vegas, N.V., 2003.P. Ulam and R. Arkin, "When Good Comms Go Bad: Communica tions Recovery for Multi-Robot Teams," presented at IEEE Int'l Conf. Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, L.A., 2004.
    • A. R. Wagner and R. C. Arkin, "Communication-Sensitive Multi-Robot Reconnaisance," presented at IEEE Int'l Conf. Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, L.A., 2004.

  • Other relevant documents not done under IA funding that describes technology being used on the IA program
    • Y. Endo, D. MacKenzie, and R. C. Arkin, "Usability Evaluation of High-level User Assistance for Robot Mission Specification," IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 34, no. 2, 2004, pp. 168-180.
    • Georgia Tech Mobile Robot Laboratory, "MissionLab: User Manual for MissionLab version 6.0," Manual, College of Computing, Georgia Inst. Technology, Atlanta, G.A., 2003.

  Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Scenarios and MURC Integration
  • AL-UAV/MURC Repository -- This page serves as a repository of additional information and multimedia highlighting the CBR and CNP architectures in the context of a variety of Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AL-UAV) based scenarios. Additional information concerning the integration of a NAVAIR MURC control station with MissionLab can also be found here.
    • We are using MissionLab as the vehicle for our research. MissionLab takes high-level military-style plans and executes them with teams of real or simulated robotic vehicles. MissionLab supports execution of multiple robots both in simulation and actual robotics platforms.

    • MissionLab/MURC Integration -- A mission is created where a USV navigates autonomously to a location where it participates in STANAG 4586 "vehicle discovery" and allows control to be handed over to a NAVAIR MURC control station. The MURC operator tasks the vehicle to perform a patrol mission.

    • NAVAIR AL-UAV Mission -- This movie depicts multiple AL-UAV's performing an anti-surface warfare mission using the CBR and runtime-CNP architecture.

    • CBR/CNP Integration -- This video depicts two alternative acrhitectures for combining CBR mission specification and CNP-based task allocation, and their effect on mission design.

    • CBR and Premission-CNP Demo -- This video illustrates mission creation and execution using the CBR and premission-CNP architecture.
