Class ErrorGLU


public class ErrorGLU
extends java.lang.Object
implements GLU

Encapsulation of the routines supplied by the GLU ( utility ) toolkit, including high-level view frustum operations and quadric manipulation. This auxiliary pipeline class auto-detects any OpenGL errors and throws an OpenGLException accordingly

$Id:,v 1.2 1999/06/03 23:11:47 descarte Exp $
Alligator Descartes <>

Field Summary
static java.lang.String VERSION
          Version information
Constructor Summary
ErrorGLU(GLU parent)
          Constructs a new ErrorGLU pipeline with the given pipeline as a parent in the execution stack.
Method Summary
 void beginCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a NURBS curve
 void beginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the beginning of a polygon definition
 void beginSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a NURBS surface definition
 void beginTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a trim curve
 int build1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, byte[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, float[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, int[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, short[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, byte[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, byte[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, float[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, float[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, int[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, int[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, short[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int build2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, short[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 void cylinder(GLUQuadric quadric, double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height, int slices, int stacks)
          Creates a cylinder via a Quadric object
 void deleteNurbsRenderer(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Destroys a NURBS object
 void deleteQuadric(GLUQuadric quadric)
          Destroys a quadric object
 void deleteTess(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Destroys the given GLUTesselator object
 void disk(GLUQuadric quadric, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int rings)
          Creates a disk via a Quadric object
 void endCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a NURBS curve definition
 void endPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the end of a polygon definition
 void endSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a NURBS surface definition
 void endTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a trim curve definition
 java.lang.String errorString(int errorCode)
          Returns a descriptive, printable string pertaining to the supplied error code.
 int getMode()
          Returns the operating mode for this interface
 float getNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb, int property)
          Queries a NURBS object for the given property value
 GLU getParent()
          Returns the parent interface
 java.lang.String getString(int name)
          Returns information about the desired aspect of the OpenGL implementation.
 double getTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator, int property)
          Returns the current value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object
 void gluBeginCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a NURBS curve
 void gluBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the beginning of a polygon definition
 void gluBeginSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a NURBS surface definition
 void gluBeginTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the beginning of a trim curve
 int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, byte[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, float[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, int[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int format, int type, short[] data)
          Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, byte[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, byte[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, float[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, float[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, int[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, int[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, short[] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target, int components, int width, int height, int format, int type, short[][][] data)
          Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.
 void gluCylinder(GLUQuadric quadric, double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height, int slices, int stacks)
          Creates a cylinder via a Quadric object
 void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Destroys a NURBS object
 void gluDeleteQuadric(GLUQuadric quadric)
          Destroys a quadric object
 void gluDeleteTess(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Destroys the given GLUTesselator object
 void gluDisk(GLUQuadric quadric, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int rings)
          Creates a disk via a Quadric object
 void gluEndCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a NURBS curve definition
 void gluEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the end of a polygon definition
 void gluEndSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a NURBS surface definition
 void gluEndTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
          Signifies the end of a trim curve definition
 java.lang.String gluErrorString(int errorCode)
          Returns a descriptive, printable string pertaining to the supplied error code.
 float gluGetNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb, int property)
          Queries a NURBS object for the given property value
 java.lang.String gluGetString(int name)
          Returns information about the desired aspect of the OpenGL implementation.
 double gluGetTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator, int property)
          Returns the current value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object
 void gluLoadSamplingMatrices(GLUNurbs nurb, float[] modelMatrix, float[] projMatrix, int[] viewport)
          Loads sampling matrices for NURBS manipulation
 void gluLookAt(double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz)
          Defines a viewing matrix and multiples it to the right of the current matrix
 GLUNurbs gluNewNurbsRenderer()
          Create a new NURBS object
 GLUQuadric gluNewQuadric()
          Create a new quadric object
 GLUTesselator gluNewTess()
          Creates an new tesselation object via the GLUTesselator class
 void gluNextContour(GLUTesselator tesselator, int type)
          Specifies a hint to the tesselator as to how to optimize tesselation
 void gluNurbsCurve(GLUNurbs nurb, int uknot_count, float[] uknot, int ustride, float[][] ctlarray, int uorder, int type)
          Definition of a NURBS curve
 void gluNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb, int property, float value)
          Sets a NURBS property
 void gluNurbsSurface(GLUNurbs nurb, int uknot_count, float[] uknot, int vknot_count, float[] vknot, int u_stride, int v_stride, float[][][] ctlarray, int uorder, int vorder, int type)
          Definition of a NURBS surface
 void gluOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
          Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen and multiples the current projection matrix by it
 void gluPartialDisk(GLUQuadric quadric, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int rings, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
          Creates a partial disk via a Quadric object
 void gluPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double near, double far)
          Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum and multiples the current matrix by it
 void gluPickMatrix(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport)
          Creates a projection matrix that restricts drawing to a small region of the viewport and multiples that matrix onto the current matrix stack
 int gluProject(double objx, double objy, double objz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] win)
          Map the specified 3d coordinates in object space into window coordinates ( that's 2d for all you rocket scientists! ) using transformations defined by a modelview matrix, projection matrix and viewport
 void gluPwlCurve(GLUNurbs nurb, int count, float[][] array, int stride, int type)
          Definition of a piecewise linear curve
 void gluQuadricDrawStyle(GLUQuadric quadric, int drawStyle)
          Sets the rendering style for the given quadric object
 void gluQuadricNormals(GLUQuadric quadric, int normalStyle)
          Sets the rules for normal generation on a given quadric object
 void gluQuadricOrientation(GLUQuadric quadric, int normalOrientation)
          Sets the orientation of normals on this quadric
 void gluQuadricTexture(GLUQuadric quadric, boolean textureCoords)
          Sets the texture generation rule for the given quadric
 int gluScaleImage(int format, int widthin, int heightin, int typein, byte[] datain, int widthout, int heightout, int typeout, byte[] dataout)
          Scales an image by linear interpolation and box filtering.
 void gluSphere(GLUQuadric quadric, double radius, int slices, int stacks)
          Creates a sphere via a Quadric object
 void gluTessBeginContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Begins the specification of a closed contour which is a portion of a polygon
 void gluTessBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] userData)
          Specifies the beginning of a polygon to be tesselated by the given tesselator object
 void gluTessEndContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Ends the specification of a closed contour
 void gluTessEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the end of a polygon description that is to be tesselated
 void gluTessNormal(GLUTesselator tesselator, double x, double y, double z)
          For the given tesselation object, define a normal vector which controls the winding direction of the generated polygons.
 void gluTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator, int property, double value)
          Sets the value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, double[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, float[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, int[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, double[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, float[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, int[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 int gluUnProject(double winx, double winy, double winz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] win)
          Maps the specified window coordinates as best as possible into object-space coordinates.
 void loadSamplingMatrices(GLUNurbs nurb, float[] modelMatrix, float[] projMatrix, int[] viewport)
          Loads sampling matrices for NURBS manipulation
 void lookAt(double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz)
          Defines a viewing matrix and multiples it to the right of the current matrix
 GLUNurbs newNurbsRenderer()
          Create a new NURBS object
 GLUQuadric newQuadric()
          Create a new quadric object
 GLUTesselator newTess()
          Creates an new tesselation object via the GLUTesselator class
 void nextContour(GLUTesselator tesselator, int type)
          Specifies a hint to the tesselator as to how to optimize tesselation
 void nurbsCurve(GLUNurbs nurb, int uknot_count, float[] uknot, int ustride, float[][] ctlarray, int uorder, int type)
          Definition of a NURBS curve
 void nurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb, int property, float value)
          Sets a NURBS property
 void nurbsSurface(GLUNurbs nurb, int uknot_count, float[] uknot, int vknot_count, float[] vknot, int u_stride, int v_stride, float[][][] ctlarray, int uorder, int vorder, int type)
          Definition of a NURBS surface
 void ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
          Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen and multiples the current projection matrix by it
 void partialDisk(GLUQuadric quadric, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int rings, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
          Creates a partial disk via a Quadric object
 void perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double near, double far)
          Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum and multiples the current matrix by it
 void pickMatrix(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport)
          Creates a projection matrix that restricts drawing to a small region of the viewport and multiples that matrix onto the current matrix stack
 int project(double objx, double objy, double objz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] win)
          Map the specified 3d coordinates in object space into window coordinates ( that's 2d for all you rocket scientists! ) using transformations defined by a modelview matrix, projection matrix and viewport
 void pwlCurve(GLUNurbs nurb, int count, float[][] array, int stride, int type)
          Definition of a piecewise linear curve
 void quadricDrawStyle(GLUQuadric quadric, int drawStyle)
          Sets the rendering style for the given quadric object
 void quadricNormals(GLUQuadric quadric, int normalStyle)
          Sets the rules for normal generation on a given quadric object
 void quadricOrientation(GLUQuadric quadric, int normalOrientation)
          Sets the orientation of normals on this quadric
 void quadricTexture(GLUQuadric quadric, boolean textureCoords)
          Sets the texture generation rule for the given quadric
 int scaleImage(int format, int widthin, int heightin, int typein, byte[] datain, int widthout, int heightout, int typeout, byte[] dataout)
          Scales an image by linear interpolation and box filtering.
 void setMode(int mode)
          Sets the operating mode for this interface
 void setParent(GLU parent)
          Sets the parent interface.
 void sphere(GLUQuadric quadric, double radius, int slices, int stacks)
          Creates a sphere via a Quadric object
 void tessBeginContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Begins the specification of a closed contour which is a portion of a polygon
 void tessBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] userData)
          Specifies the beginning of a polygon to be tesselated by the given tesselator object
 void tessEndContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Ends the specification of a closed contour
 void tessEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
          Specifies the end of a polygon description that is to be tesselated
 void tessNormal(GLUTesselator tesselator, double x, double y, double z)
          For the given tesselation object, define a normal vector which controls the winding direction of the generated polygons.
 void tessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator, int property, double value)
          Sets the value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, double[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, float[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, double[] coords, int[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, double[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, float[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator, float[] coords, int[] vertexData)
          Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator
 int unProject(double winx, double winy, double winz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] win)
          Maps the specified window coordinates as best as possible into object-space coordinates.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String VERSION
Version information
Constructor Detail


public ErrorGLU(GLU parent)
Constructs a new ErrorGLU pipeline with the given pipeline as a parent in the execution stack.

parent - The parent pipeline object
Method Detail


public final void setParent(GLU parent)
Sets the parent interface. This must be an instantiation of GLU

Specified by:
setParent in interface GLU
parent - The parent interface


public GLU getParent()
Returns the parent interface
Specified by:
getParent in interface GLU


public void setMode(int mode)
Sets the operating mode for this interface

Specified by:
setMode in interface GLU
mode - The new operating mode


public int getMode()
Returns the operating mode for this interface
Specified by:
getMode in interface GLU


public final void gluOrtho2D(double left,
                             double right,
                             double bottom,
                             double top)
                      throws OpenGLException
Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen and multiples the current projection matrix by it

Specified by:
gluOrtho2D in interface GLU
left - The coordinates of the left clipping plane
right - The coordinates of the right clipping plane
bottom - The coordinates of the bottom clipping plane
top - The coordinates of the top clipping plane
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void ortho2D(double left,
                          double right,
                          double bottom,
                          double top)
                   throws OpenGLException
Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen and multiples the current projection matrix by it

Specified by:
ortho2D in interface GLU
left - The coordinates of the left clipping plane
right - The coordinates of the right clipping plane
bottom - The coordinates of the bottom clipping plane
top - The coordinates of the top clipping plane
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluPerspective(double fovy,
                                 double aspect,
                                 double near,
                                 double far)
                          throws OpenGLException
Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum and multiples the current matrix by it

Specified by:
gluPerspective in interface GLU
fovy - Specifies the field of view angle, in degrees in the y-direction
aspect - Specifies the aspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction
near - Specifies the distance from the viewer of the near clipping plane
far - Specifies the distance from the viewer of the far clipping plane
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void perspective(double fovy,
                              double aspect,
                              double near,
                              double far)
                       throws OpenGLException
Creates a matrix for a symmetric perspective-view frustum and multiples the current matrix by it

Specified by:
perspective in interface GLU
fovy - Specifies the field of view angle, in degrees in the y-direction
aspect - Specifies the aspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction
near - Specifies the distance from the viewer of the near clipping plane
far - Specifies the distance from the viewer of the far clipping plane
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluLookAt(double eyex,
                            double eyey,
                            double eyez,
                            double centerx,
                            double centery,
                            double centerz,
                            double upx,
                            double upy,
                            double upz)
                     throws OpenGLException
Defines a viewing matrix and multiples it to the right of the current matrix

Specified by:
gluLookAt in interface GLU
eyex - The x-coordinate of the position of the eye point
eyey - The y-coordinate of the position of the eye point
eyez - The z-coordinate of the position of the eye point
centerx - The x-coordinate of the position of the reference point
centery - The y-coordinate of the position of the reference point
centerz - The z-coordinate of the position of the reference point
upx - The x component of the `up' vector
upy - The y component of the `up' vector
upz - The z component of the `up' vector
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void lookAt(double eyex,
                         double eyey,
                         double eyez,
                         double centerx,
                         double centery,
                         double centerz,
                         double upx,
                         double upy,
                         double upz)
                  throws OpenGLException
Defines a viewing matrix and multiples it to the right of the current matrix

Specified by:
lookAt in interface GLU
eyex - The x-coordinate of the position of the eye point
eyey - The y-coordinate of the position of the eye point
eyez - The z-coordinate of the position of the eye point
centerx - The x-coordinate of the position of the reference point
centery - The y-coordinate of the position of the reference point
centerz - The z-coordinate of the position of the reference point
upx - The x component of the `up' vector
upy - The y component of the `up' vector
upz - The z component of the `up' vector
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final int gluProject(double objx,
                            double objy,
                            double objz,
                            double[] modelMatrix,
                            double[] projMatrix,
                            int[] viewport,
                            double[] win)
                     throws OpenGLException
Map the specified 3d coordinates in object space into window coordinates ( that's 2d for all you rocket scientists! ) using transformations defined by a modelview matrix, projection matrix and viewport

Specified by:
gluProject in interface GLU
winx - The x-coordinate of the object position
winy - The y-coordinate of the object position
winz - The z-coordinate of the object position
modelMatrix - The current modelview matrix
projMatrix - The current projection matrix
viewport - The current viewport
win - The computed window coordinates
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GLU.gluUnProject(double, double, double, double[], double[], int[], double[])


public final int project(double objx,
                         double objy,
                         double objz,
                         double[] modelMatrix,
                         double[] projMatrix,
                         int[] viewport,
                         double[] win)
                  throws OpenGLException
Map the specified 3d coordinates in object space into window coordinates ( that's 2d for all you rocket scientists! ) using transformations defined by a modelview matrix, projection matrix and viewport

Specified by:
project in interface GLU
winx - The x-coordinate of the object position
winy - The y-coordinate of the object position
winz - The z-coordinate of the object position
modelMatrix - The current modelview matrix
projMatrix - The current projection matrix
viewport - The current viewport
win - The computed window coordinates
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GLU.gluUnProject(double, double, double, double[], double[], int[], double[])


public final int gluUnProject(double winx,
                              double winy,
                              double winz,
                              double[] modelMatrix,
                              double[] projMatrix,
                              int[] viewport,
                              double[] win)
                       throws OpenGLException
Maps the specified window coordinates as best as possible into object-space coordinates. To be used with care!

Specified by:
gluUnProject in interface GLU
winx - The x-coordinate of the object position
winy - The y-coordinate of the object position
winz - The z-coordinate of the object position
modelMatrix - The current modelview matrix
projMatrix - The current projection matrix
viewport - The current viewport
win - The computed window coordinates
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GLU.gluProject(double, double, double, double[], double[], int[], double[])


public final int unProject(double winx,
                           double winy,
                           double winz,
                           double[] modelMatrix,
                           double[] projMatrix,
                           int[] viewport,
                           double[] win)
                    throws OpenGLException
Maps the specified window coordinates as best as possible into object-space coordinates. To be used with care!

Specified by:
unProject in interface GLU
winx - The x-coordinate of the object position
winy - The y-coordinate of the object position
winz - The z-coordinate of the object position
modelMatrix - The current modelview matrix
projMatrix - The current projection matrix
viewport - The current viewport
win - The computed window coordinates
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GLU.gluProject(double, double, double, double[], double[], int[], double[])


public final int gluScaleImage(int format,
                               int widthin,
                               int heightin,
                               int typein,
                               byte[] datain,
                               int widthout,
                               int heightout,
                               int typeout,
                               byte[] dataout)
                        throws OpenGLException
Scales an image by linear interpolation and box filtering.

Specified by:
gluScaleImage in interface GLU
format - Specifies the format of the pixel data
widthin - Width of the source image to be scaled
heightin - Height of the source image to be scaled
typein - The data type for the source image
datain - The source pixel data
widthout - The width of the output image
heightout - The height of the output image
typeout - The data type of the output image
dataout - The scaled pixel data
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final int scaleImage(int format,
                            int widthin,
                            int heightin,
                            int typein,
                            byte[] datain,
                            int widthout,
                            int heightout,
                            int typeout,
                            byte[] dataout)
                     throws OpenGLException
Scales an image by linear interpolation and box filtering.

Specified by:
scaleImage in interface GLU
format - Specifies the format of the pixel data
widthin - Width of the source image to be scaled
heightin - Height of the source image to be scaled
typein - The data type for the source image
datain - The source pixel data
widthout - The width of the output image
heightout - The height of the output image
typeout - The data type of the output image
dataout - The scaled pixel data
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluPickMatrix(double x,
                                double y,
                                double width,
                                double height,
                                int[] viewport)
                         throws OpenGLException
Creates a projection matrix that restricts drawing to a small region of the viewport and multiples that matrix onto the current matrix stack

Specified by:
gluPickMatrix in interface GLU
x - The x-coordinate of the centre of the picking region
y - The y-coordinate of the centre of the picking region
width - The width of the picking region
height - The height of the picking region
viewport - The current viewport
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void pickMatrix(double x,
                             double y,
                             double width,
                             double height,
                             int[] viewport)
                      throws OpenGLException
Creates a projection matrix that restricts drawing to a small region of the viewport and multiples that matrix onto the current matrix stack

Specified by:
pickMatrix in interface GLU
x - The x-coordinate of the centre of the picking region
y - The y-coordinate of the centre of the picking region
width - The width of the picking region
height - The height of the picking region
viewport - The current viewport
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   byte[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build1DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                byte[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   short[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build1DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                short[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   int[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build1DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                int[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild1DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   float[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build1DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                float[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 1-dimensional mipmaps and calls glTexImage1D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build1DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - The target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_1D
components - The number of colour components in the texture
width - The width of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type for the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage1D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   byte[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                byte[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   byte[][][] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                byte[][][] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   short[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                short[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   short[][][] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                short[][][] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   int[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                int[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   int[][][] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                int[][][] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   float[] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                float[] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int gluBuild2DMipmaps(int target,
                                   int components,
                                   int width,
                                   int height,
                                   int format,
                                   int type,
                                   float[][][] data)
                            throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
gluBuild2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final int build2DMipmaps(int target,
                                int components,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                int format,
                                int type,
                                float[][][] data)
                         throws OpenGLException
Constructs a series of 2-dimensional mipmaps and call glTexImage2D() to load the images into texture memory.

Specified by:
build2DMipmaps in interface GLU
target - Specifies the target texture. Must be GL_TEXTURE_2D
components - Specifies the number of colour components
width - The width of the texture image
height - The height of the texture image
format - The format of the pixel data
type - The data type of the pixel data
data - The pixel data of the texture
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:
GL.glTexImage2D(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte[])


public final java.lang.String gluErrorString(int errorCode)
                                      throws OpenGLException
Returns a descriptive, printable string pertaining to the supplied error code.

Specified by:
gluErrorString in interface GLU
errorCode - The error code you wish to describe
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:


public final java.lang.String errorString(int errorCode)
                                   throws OpenGLException
Returns a descriptive, printable string pertaining to the supplied error code.

Specified by:
errorString in interface GLU
errorCode - The error code you wish to describe
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:


public final java.lang.String gluGetString(int name)
                                    throws OpenGLException
Returns information about the desired aspect of the OpenGL implementation. This method is functionally identical to glGetString()

Specified by:
gluGetString in interface GLU
name - The symbolic constant of the feature you wish to query
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:


public final java.lang.String getString(int name)
                                 throws OpenGLException
Returns information about the desired aspect of the OpenGL implementation. This method is functionally identical to glGetString()

Specified by:
getString in interface GLU
name - The symbolic constant of the feature you wish to query
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error
See Also:


public final GLUNurbs gluNewNurbsRenderer()
                                   throws OpenGLException
Create a new NURBS object

Specified by:
gluNewNurbsRenderer in interface GLU
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final GLUNurbs newNurbsRenderer()
                                throws OpenGLException
Create a new NURBS object

Specified by:
newNurbsRenderer in interface GLU
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(GLUNurbs nurb)
                                  throws OpenGLException
Destroys a NURBS object

Specified by:
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer in interface GLU
nurb - The GLUNurbs object to destroy
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void deleteNurbsRenderer(GLUNurbs nurb)
                               throws OpenGLException
Destroys a NURBS object

Specified by:
deleteNurbsRenderer in interface GLU
nurb - The GLUNurbs object to destroy
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                   int property,
                                   float value)
                            throws OpenGLException
Sets a NURBS property

Specified by:
gluNurbsProperty in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
property - The NURBS property to set
value - The value to set the property to
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void nurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                int property,
                                float value)
                         throws OpenGLException
Sets a NURBS property

Specified by:
nurbsProperty in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
property - The NURBS property to set
value - The value to set the property to
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final float gluGetNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                       int property)
                                throws OpenGLException
Queries a NURBS object for the given property value

Specified by:
gluGetNurbsProperty in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
property - The property to query the value of
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final float getNurbsProperty(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                    int property)
                             throws OpenGLException
Queries a NURBS object for the given property value

Specified by:
getNurbsProperty in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
property - The property to query the value of
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluLoadSamplingMatrices(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                          float[] modelMatrix,
                                          float[] projMatrix,
                                          int[] viewport)
                                   throws OpenGLException
Loads sampling matrices for NURBS manipulation

Specified by:
gluLoadSamplingMatrices in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
modelMatrix - A modelview matrix
projMatrix - A projection matrix
viewport - A viewport
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void loadSamplingMatrices(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                       float[] modelMatrix,
                                       float[] projMatrix,
                                       int[] viewport)
                                throws OpenGLException
Loads sampling matrices for NURBS manipulation

Specified by:
loadSamplingMatrices in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
modelMatrix - A modelview matrix
projMatrix - A projection matrix
viewport - A viewport
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluBeginSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
                           throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a NURBS surface definition

Specified by:
gluBeginSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void beginSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
                        throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a NURBS surface definition

Specified by:
beginSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluEndSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
                         throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a NURBS surface definition

Specified by:
gluEndSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void endSurface(GLUNurbs nurb)
                      throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a NURBS surface definition

Specified by:
endSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluNurbsSurface(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                  int uknot_count,
                                  float[] uknot,
                                  int vknot_count,
                                  float[] vknot,
                                  int u_stride,
                                  int v_stride,
                                  float[][][] ctlarray,
                                  int uorder,
                                  int vorder,
                                  int type)
                           throws OpenGLException
Definition of a NURBS surface

Specified by:
gluNurbsSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
uknot_count - Specifies the number of knots in the parametric u direction
uknot - The knot data
vknot_count - Specifies the number of knots in the parametric v direction
vknot - The knot data
u_stride - Specifies the offset between successive control points in the parametric u direction
v_stride - Specifies the offset between successive control points in the parametric v direction
ctlarray - An array of control points
uorder - Specifies the order of the NURBS surface in the parametric u direction
vorder - Specifies the order of the NURBS surface in the parametric v direction
type - Specifies the type of the surface
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void nurbsSurface(GLUNurbs nurb,
                               int uknot_count,
                               float[] uknot,
                               int vknot_count,
                               float[] vknot,
                               int u_stride,
                               int v_stride,
                               float[][][] ctlarray,
                               int uorder,
                               int vorder,
                               int type)
                        throws OpenGLException
Definition of a NURBS surface

Specified by:
nurbsSurface in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
uknot_count - Specifies the number of knots in the parametric u direction
uknot - The knot data
vknot_count - Specifies the number of knots in the parametric v direction
vknot - The knot data
u_stride - Specifies the offset between successive control points in the parametric u direction
v_stride - Specifies the offset between successive control points in the parametric v direction
ctlarray - An array of control points
uorder - Specifies the order of the NURBS surface in the parametric u direction
vorder - Specifies the order of the NURBS surface in the parametric v direction
type - Specifies the type of the surface
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluBeginCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
                         throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a NURBS curve

Specified by:
gluBeginCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void beginCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
                      throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a NURBS curve

Specified by:
beginCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluEndCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
                       throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a NURBS curve definition

Specified by:
gluEndCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void endCurve(GLUNurbs nurb)
                    throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a NURBS curve definition

Specified by:
endCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluNurbsCurve(GLUNurbs nurb,
                                int uknot_count,
                                float[] uknot,
                                int ustride,
                                float[][] ctlarray,
                                int uorder,
                                int type)
                         throws OpenGLException
Definition of a NURBS curve

Specified by:
gluNurbsCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
uknot_count - The number of knots in the curve
uknot - The knot data
ustride - Offset between successive control points
ctlarray - The control points for the curve
uorder - The order of the NURBS curve
type - Specifies the type of the curve
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void nurbsCurve(GLUNurbs nurb,
                             int uknot_count,
                             float[] uknot,
                             int ustride,
                             float[][] ctlarray,
                             int uorder,
                             int type)
                      throws OpenGLException
Definition of a NURBS curve

Specified by:
nurbsCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
uknot_count - The number of knots in the curve
uknot - The knot data
ustride - Offset between successive control points
ctlarray - The control points for the curve
uorder - The order of the NURBS curve
type - Specifies the type of the curve
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluBeginTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
                        throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a trim curve

Specified by:
gluBeginTrim in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void beginTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
                     throws OpenGLException
Signifies the beginning of a trim curve

Specified by:
beginTrim in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluEndTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
                      throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a trim curve definition

Specified by:
gluEndTrim in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void endTrim(GLUNurbs nurb)
                   throws OpenGLException
Signifies the end of a trim curve definition

Specified by:
endTrim in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluPwlCurve(GLUNurbs nurb,
                              int count,
                              float[][] array,
                              int stride,
                              int type)
                       throws OpenGLException
Definition of a piecewise linear curve

Specified by:
gluPwlCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
count - The number of points on the curve
array - Specifies an array containing the curve point
stride - Offset between each control point
type - Specifies the type of curve
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void pwlCurve(GLUNurbs nurb,
                           int count,
                           float[][] array,
                           int stride,
                           int type)
                    throws OpenGLException
Definition of a piecewise linear curve

Specified by:
pwlCurve in interface GLU
nurb - A GLUNurbs object
count - The number of points on the curve
array - Specifies an array containing the curve point
stride - Offset between each control point
type - Specifies the type of curve
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final GLUQuadric gluNewQuadric()
                               throws OpenGLException
Create a new quadric object

Specified by:
gluNewQuadric in interface GLU
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final GLUQuadric newQuadric()
                            throws OpenGLException
Create a new quadric object

Specified by:
newQuadric in interface GLU
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluDeleteQuadric(GLUQuadric quadric)
                            throws OpenGLException
Destroys a quadric object

Specified by:
gluDeleteQuadric in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void deleteQuadric(GLUQuadric quadric)
                         throws OpenGLException
Destroys a quadric object

Specified by:
deleteQuadric in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluQuadricDrawStyle(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                      int drawStyle)
                               throws OpenGLException
Sets the rendering style for the given quadric object

Specified by:
gluQuadricDrawStyle in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
drawStyle - Specifies the desired draw style
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void quadricDrawStyle(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                   int drawStyle)
                            throws OpenGLException
Sets the rendering style for the given quadric object

Specified by:
quadricDrawStyle in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
drawStyle - Specifies the desired draw style
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluQuadricNormals(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                    int normalStyle)
                             throws OpenGLException
Sets the rules for normal generation on a given quadric object

Specified by:
gluQuadricNormals in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
normalStyle - Specifies the desired type of normal
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void quadricNormals(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                 int normalStyle)
                          throws OpenGLException
Sets the rules for normal generation on a given quadric object

Specified by:
quadricNormals in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
normalStyle - Specifies the desired type of normal
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluQuadricOrientation(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                        int normalOrientation)
                                 throws OpenGLException
Sets the orientation of normals on this quadric

Specified by:
gluQuadricOrientation in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
normalOrientation - Specifies the desired normal orientation
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void quadricOrientation(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                     int normalOrientation)
                              throws OpenGLException
Sets the orientation of normals on this quadric

Specified by:
quadricOrientation in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
normalOrientation - Specifies the desired normal orientation
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluQuadricTexture(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                    boolean textureCoords)
                             throws OpenGLException
Sets the texture generation rule for the given quadric

Specified by:
gluQuadricTexture in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
textureCoords - Specifies a flag indicating whether or not texture coordinates should be generated
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void quadricTexture(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                 boolean textureCoords)
                          throws OpenGLException
Sets the texture generation rule for the given quadric

Specified by:
quadricTexture in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
textureCoords - Specifies a flag indicating whether or not texture coordinates should be generated
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluSphere(GLUQuadric quadric,
                            double radius,
                            int slices,
                            int stacks)
                     throws OpenGLException
Creates a sphere via a Quadric object

Specified by:
gluSphere in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
radius - The radius of the sphere
slices - The number of vertical subdivisions of the sphere
stacks - The number of horizontal subdivisions of the sphere
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void sphere(GLUQuadric quadric,
                         double radius,
                         int slices,
                         int stacks)
                  throws OpenGLException
Creates a sphere via a Quadric object

Specified by:
sphere in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
radius - The radius of the sphere
slices - The number of vertical subdivisions of the sphere
stacks - The number of horizontal subdivisions of the sphere
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluCylinder(GLUQuadric quadric,
                              double baseRadius,
                              double topRadius,
                              double height,
                              int slices,
                              int stacks)
                       throws OpenGLException
Creates a cylinder via a Quadric object

Specified by:
gluCylinder in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
baseRadius - The radius of the base of the cylinder
topRadius - The radius of the top of the cylinder
height - The height of the cylinder
slices - The number of vertical subdivisions of the cylinder
stacks - The number of horizontal subdivisions of the cylinder
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void cylinder(GLUQuadric quadric,
                           double baseRadius,
                           double topRadius,
                           double height,
                           int slices,
                           int stacks)
                    throws OpenGLException
Creates a cylinder via a Quadric object

Specified by:
cylinder in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
baseRadius - The radius of the base of the cylinder
topRadius - The radius of the top of the cylinder
height - The height of the cylinder
slices - The number of vertical subdivisions of the cylinder
stacks - The number of horizontal subdivisions of the cylinder
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluDisk(GLUQuadric quadric,
                          double innerRadius,
                          double outerRadius,
                          int slices,
                          int rings)
                   throws OpenGLException
Creates a disk via a Quadric object

Specified by:
gluDisk in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
innerRadius - The inner radius of the disk
outerRadius - The outer radius of the disk
slices - The number of y-axis subdivions of the disk
rings - The number of rings forming the disk
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void disk(GLUQuadric quadric,
                       double innerRadius,
                       double outerRadius,
                       int slices,
                       int rings)
                throws OpenGLException
Creates a disk via a Quadric object

Specified by:
disk in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
innerRadius - The inner radius of the disk
outerRadius - The outer radius of the disk
slices - The number of y-axis subdivions of the disk
rings - The number of rings forming the disk
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void gluPartialDisk(GLUQuadric quadric,
                                 double innerRadius,
                                 double outerRadius,
                                 int slices,
                                 int rings,
                                 double startAngle,
                                 double sweepAngle)
                          throws OpenGLException
Creates a partial disk via a Quadric object

Specified by:
gluPartialDisk in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
innerRadius - The inner radius of the disk
outerRadius - The outer radius of the disk
slices - The number of y-axis subdivions of the disk
rings - The number of rings forming the disk
startAngle - The angle to start forming the disk from
sweepAngle - The number of degrees to sweep the disk through
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public final void partialDisk(GLUQuadric quadric,
                              double innerRadius,
                              double outerRadius,
                              int slices,
                              int rings,
                              double startAngle,
                              double sweepAngle)
                       throws OpenGLException
Creates a partial disk via a Quadric object

Specified by:
partialDisk in interface GLU
quadric - A GLUQuadric object
innerRadius - The inner radius of the disk
outerRadius - The outer radius of the disk
slices - The number of y-axis subdivions of the disk
rings - The number of rings forming the disk
startAngle - The angle to start forming the disk from
sweepAngle - The number of degrees to sweep the disk through
OpenGLException - General OpenGL error


public GLUTesselator gluNewTess()
Creates an new tesselation object via the GLUTesselator class
Specified by:
gluNewTess in interface GLU


public GLUTesselator newTess()
Creates an new tesselation object via the GLUTesselator class
Specified by:
newTess in interface GLU


public void gluDeleteTess(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Destroys the given GLUTesselator object

Specified by:
gluDeleteTess in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object to destroy


public void deleteTess(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Destroys the given GLUTesselator object

Specified by:
deleteTess in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object to destroy


public void gluTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                            int property,
                            double value)
Sets the value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object

Specified by:
gluTessProperty in interface GLU
tesselator - A GLUTesselator object
property - The tesselation property to set
value - The new value to set the property to


public void tessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                         int property,
                         double value)
Sets the value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object

Specified by:
tessProperty in interface GLU
tesselator - A GLUTesselator object
property - The tesselation property to set
value - The new value to set the property to


public double gluGetTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                                 int property)
Returns the current value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object

Specified by:
gluGetTessProperty in interface GLU
tesselator - A GLUTesselator object
property - The property to return the value for


public double getTessProperty(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                              int property)
Returns the current value of the given tesselation property for the given tesselation object

Specified by:
getTessProperty in interface GLU
tesselator - A GLUTesselator object
property - The property to return the value for


public void gluTessNormal(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          double x,
                          double y,
                          double z)
For the given tesselation object, define a normal vector which controls the winding direction of the generated polygons.

Specified by:
gluTessNormal in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselation object
x - The x-value of the normal
y - The y-value of the normal
z - The z-value of the normal


public void tessNormal(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       double x,
                       double y,
                       double z)
For the given tesselation object, define a normal vector which controls the winding direction of the generated polygons.

Specified by:
tessNormal in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselation object
x - The x-value of the normal
y - The y-value of the normal
z - The z-value of the normal


public void gluTessBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                                float[] userData)
Specifies the beginning of a polygon to be tesselated by the given tesselator object

Specified by:
gluTessBeginPolygon in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
userData - The user data to feed to the tesselator


public void tessBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                             float[] userData)
Specifies the beginning of a polygon to be tesselated by the given tesselator object

Specified by:
tessBeginPolygon in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
userData - The user data to feed to the tesselator


public void gluTessEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the end of a polygon description that is to be tesselated

Specified by:
gluTessEndPolygon in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object


public void tessEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the end of a polygon description that is to be tesselated

Specified by:
tessEndPolygon in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object


public void gluTessBeginContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Begins the specification of a closed contour which is a portion of a polygon

Specified by:
gluTessBeginContour in interface GLU


public void tessBeginContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Begins the specification of a closed contour which is a portion of a polygon

Specified by:
tessBeginContour in interface GLU


public void gluTessEndContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Ends the specification of a closed contour
Specified by:
gluTessEndContour in interface GLU


public void tessEndContour(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Ends the specification of a closed contour
Specified by:
tessEndContour in interface GLU


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          double[] coords,
                          float[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       double[] coords,
                       float[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          double[] coords,
                          int[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       double[] coords,
                       int[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          double[] coords,
                          double[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       double[] coords,
                       double[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          float[] coords,
                          float[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       float[] coords,
                       float[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          float[] coords,
                          int[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       float[] coords,
                       int[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluTessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                          float[] coords,
                          double[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
gluTessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void tessVertex(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                       float[] coords,
                       double[] vertexData)
Specifies vertex data to be passed into the tesselator

Specified by:
tessVertex in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
coords - The three-dimensional coordinates of the vertex
vertexData - The vertex data to pass into the tesselator callback


public void gluBeginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the beginning of a polygon definition
Specified by:
gluBeginPolygon in interface GLU


public void beginPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the beginning of a polygon definition
Specified by:
beginPolygon in interface GLU


public void gluEndPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the end of a polygon definition
Specified by:
gluEndPolygon in interface GLU


public void endPolygon(GLUTesselator tesselator)
Specifies the end of a polygon definition
Specified by:
endPolygon in interface GLU


public void gluNextContour(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                           int type)
Specifies a hint to the tesselator as to how to optimize tesselation

Specified by:
gluNextContour in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
type - Tesselation hint


public void nextContour(GLUTesselator tesselator,
                        int type)
Specifies a hint to the tesselator as to how to optimize tesselation

Specified by:
nextContour in interface GLU
tesselator - The tesselator object
type - Tesselation hint