Package com.hermetica.util3d

Interface Summary
demoTemplate Base class that all demo programs should subclass from to provide a standard framework that allows us to use a GUI demo bootstrapper.

Class Summary
accum This class provides some handy methods which help the programmer use the powerful accumulation buffer features of OpenGL.
constrain Some general constraining methods that allow us to easily lay out GridBagLayout layout managers.
CriticalSection This class acts as a sort of mutex that provides exclusive access to ``critical sections'' of code.
EPSWriter This class is an ImageConsumer that can be used to write out any ImageProducer's output in the form of Encapsulated PostScript.
FrameRateComponent AWT Component that can be added to any application to report the time taken between a start and stop operation.
MicroTimer This class provides a handy microsecond accurate timer instead of the more inaccurate millisecond timer provided with core Java.
PPMWriter This class acts as an ImageConsumer that writes out data pumped into it to a file in the Portable Pixmap Format ( PPM ).
shapes Utility class providing methods to create simple geometric primitives quickly, such as various Platonic solids and the teapotahedron, the lesser known cousin ( more a Socratic solid ).
Streams This class provides some global PrintStream objects that can be used to set global trace locations for tracing information, eg, from TraceGL[U] and from CriticalSection activity.
Texture Encapsulation of a chunk of texture information.
TextureComponent The TextureComponent class provides a flexible framework for embedding a Component that displays a static image within an AWT-based GUI.