Multimedia conference call

Gregory Abowd (
Sun, 03 Mar 1996 13:44:15 -0500

We should definitely shoot for something to submit to this from
C 2000 work.


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Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 12:04:21 PST
From: Robert E Lamm <>


November 18 - 22, 1996
Hynes Convention Center
Boston, MA, USA



Sponsored by the ACM SIG Multimedia, SIGCOMM, SIGLINK, SIGMIS and
SIGGRAPH, in cooperation with SIGBIT, SIGIR, SIGCHI, and SIGOIS
(tentative lists)

Multimedia technology can substantially improve the communication
between information providers and consumers. It contributes to the
general accessibility of information, through new interactive media as
well as through new forms of production, delivery and perception of
existing media. ACM Multimedia'96 will provide an international forum
for papers, panels, videos, demonstrations, courses, workshops, and
exhibits focusing on all aspects of this multi-disciplinary field:
from underlying technologies to applications and issues, and from
theory to practice. We invite your participation.

Topics include, but are not limited to: applications in art,
education, entertainment, government, medicine, etc.; collaboration
environments; databases; digital libraries; distributed systems;
documents and authoring; hardware and architectures; image, video and
audio compression techniques; information retrieval; interactive
television; media integration and synchronization; networking and
communication; operating system extensions; programming paradigms and
environments; standards and legal issues; storage and I/O
architectures; tools; user interfaces; and virtual reality.

ACM Multimedia'96 will be co-located with SPIE's Symposium on Voice,
Video and Data Communications, and Broadband Communications Expo. It
will overlap with CSCW, to be held in nearby Cambridge.

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Technical papers on completed or in-progress research, innovative
applications, or experience with multimedia systems are solicited.
Submissions must use a minimum of 10-point typeface, and be up to 12
pages (preferably double sided), including figures, tables, and
references. Where applicable, prototype demonstrations or videotape
presentations are encouraged to supplement the papers. Papers must be
accompanied by an electronic cover sheet (see submission instructions
below). Submit complete papers to: Wendy Hall, Program co-Chair.

Outstanding papers on different areas of multimedia will be given
awards. Papers with a student as the primary author will enter a
student paper award competition. A cover letter must identify the
paper as a candidate for the student paper competition. Selected
papers will be forwarded to ACM/Springer-Verlag Multimedia Systems,
Communications of the ACM, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, or ACM
Transactions on Information Systems.

Multimedia and Art:
- -------------------
Submissions by artists presenting innovative work in the field are
encouraged. A specific selection process and a special Multimedia and
Art session will take place. Submissions by artists should include a
paper presentation, a single VHS NTSC video and demonstration
requirements when applicable, and a biography. Submit to: Art chair.

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Panels are solicited that examine innovative, controversial, or
otherwise provocative issues of interest. Proposals should be limited
to 2 pages, plus a biography of at most one paragraph for each
participant. Submit panel proposals to: Bob Allen, Panels Chair.

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We solicit demonstrations of working systems in technical and artistic
categories. Submissions (at most 2 pages) should include a description
of the exhibit, demo requirements, a biography, and a single VHS NTSC
video. Submit demonstrations to: Arding Hsu, Demonstrations Chair.

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There will be a series of 1/2-day tutorial courses, focused on issues
relevant to researchers and/or practitioners of multimedia
technology. Proposals (at most 5 pages) should include a description
of the subject matter and brief biographical sketches of the
instructors. Evaluation of proposals will be based on expertise and
experience of instructors, relevance of subject matter, and the use of
multimedia technology in the presentation. Submit tutorial proposals
to: Rajiv Mehrotra, Tutorials Chair.

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Workshops preceding the conference will allow participants to exchange
ideas on a topic. Workshop results and issues will be integrated into
the main body of the conference. Submit workshop proposals to: Wayne
Wolf, Workshops Chair.

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Exhibits for ACM Multimedia'96 will be combined with those for SPIE's
Symposium on Voice, Video, and Data Communications, offering vendors
and publishers a unique opportunity to exhibit and demonstrate
multimedia products. For more information, contact


Authors should consult the World Wide Web at for more detailed submission guidelines
and up-to-date information about ACM Multimedia'96.

Authors of accepted submissions will be required to submit both a
camera-ready copy of the manuscript for the printed proceedings and an
electronic copy for the CD ROM proceedings.

Authors must assign copyright to ACM as a condition of publishing
their work in the proceedings. An author who embeds an object, such as
an art image, copyrighted by a third party is expected to obtain that
party's permission to include the object with the understanding that
the entire work may be distributed as a unity to ACM members and


All Submissions (6 copies for papers) due: April 24, 1996
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 1996
Final submissions due: August 26, 1996


General Chairs: Philippe Aigrain, IRIT, Univ. P. Sabatier, Toulouse,
France and V. Michael Bove, MIT Media Laboratory
Proceedings: Lena Davis, MIT Media Laboratory
Electronic Information: Stephan Fischer, University of Mannheim,
Germany and H. Zhang, CMU
Publicity: Bob Lamm, Cync Corp.
Treasurer: John Buford, University of Massachusetts
Eurographics Liaison: Jose Encarnacao, Fraunhofer-IGD, Darmstadt,
Asian/Pacific Liaison: Yoshinobu Tonomura, NTT Human Interface
Laboratory, Japan
Steering Committee Chairs: Steve Bulick, US West and Allan Kuchinsky,
Hewlett Packard Labs.


Wendy Hall
Dept. of Elec. and Computer Engr. University of Southampton,
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44-1703-592388
Fax: +44-1703-592865

T.D.C. Little
ECS Dept.
Boston University
44 Cummington St.
Boston, MA 02215, USA
Phone: +1-617-353-9877
Fax: +1-617-353-6440

Program Committee Members (to date):

John Buford, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University
Wolfgang Effelsberg, University of Mannheim
Carole Goble, Manchester University
Jorge Haake, GMD-IPSI
Wolfgang Klas, GMD-IPSI
Wendy Mackay, University of Paris
Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champ.
Brian Smith, Cornell Univiversity
Dan Swinehart, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Yuzuru Tanaka, Hokkaido University
William Tetzlaff, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Hirotada Ueda, Hitachi Denshi, Ltd.
Harrick Vin, University of Texas at Austin
HongJiang Zhang, HP Labs
Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University


Bob Allen
Bellcore, 1A352R
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960
Phone: +1-201-829-4315
Fax: +1-201-829-5981


Dr. Arding Hsu
Head, Multimedia/Video Dept.
Siemens Corp. Research
755 College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: +1-609-734-6548
Fax: +1-609-734-6565


Rajiv Mehrotra
Dept of Math. and Comp. Sci.
Univ. of Missouri - St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121-4499
Phone: +1-314-516-6342
Fax: +1-314-516-5400


Wayne Wolf
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544-5263
Phone: +1-609-258-1424
Fax: +1-609-258-3745

Watch the Web pages for further information coming soon.


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