New Video Streaming Software from Vxtreme

Nick Sawhney (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:23:35 -0400 (EDT)

Their claims:
Scalable Compression technology for differnet bandwidths. For example,
a user connecting over a modem can view 20 high-quality frames per second
of 160x120 resolution video using only 28.8Kbps.

VXtreme takes real-time video delivery on the Internet to a new level by
allowing video to drive and be synchronized with other
on-screen applications, providing active video. In an application such as
on-line training, a presenter can be viewed in a
video window while related text slides are displayed in the browser, with
Java applets highlighting key points in the
browser text as they are discussed. The LiveScreen technology maintains
the synchronization between the applications -
video, the browser, and (in this case) Java applets - when the user skips
forward or backward in the video. It also allows
users to control separate on-screen applications independently, for
example pausing the video while reading related text in
the browser.

VXtreme technologies are designed to run on UNIX, Macintosh, Windows NT
and Windows 95.

Read their Technology Update to see what how they are implementing
these features. They say that they'll have downloadable viewers and
demos within a few weeks.


Nitin "Nick" Sawhney Information Design & Technology
Email: Georgia Institute of Technology
Home: (404) 816-1925 Fax: (404) 894-1287