C 2000 update

Gregory Abowd (abowd@cc.gatech.edu)
Mon, 04 Nov 1996 11:39:04 -0500


Tomorrow's lecture slides are available. What remains from tomorrow's
lecture will be transitioned (by me) over to Thursday's lecture and
will be available by Wednesday noon.

Now, to Paul. Sorry for jumping on you by e-mail last night. The
notes for last week's classes appear to be up and running. I think
we are almost to the point where we can get rid of the read-only
notes for the live class, but we'll talk about that today.

Paul mentioned some confusion about the ordering of slides. That
is my fault, and it occurs for only the 10.29 lecture. I printed
out the PostScript slides in the wrong order. In class, I actually
started at the end and moved backward, so a lot of slides at the
beginning were not visited at all. In fact, I'd like to see if
there is a way to tailor Paul's scripts to show only the slides
that were visited in class. Or, at least, I'd like to be able
to indicate where the lecture stopped and not have the remaining
slides show up in the review mode. Make sense?

Gregory D. Abowd, Assistant Professor Gregory.Abowd@cc.gatech.edu
College of Computing Phone: 404-894-7512
Georgia Institute of Technology FAX: 404-894-9442
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

URL http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Gregory.Abowd