Re: Students notes are finally up!

Jason Alan Brotherton (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 10:04:13 -0500 (EST)


> I have already noticed some errors though with the log files that were
> given to me. It seems that they are outputing the last slide first.

This is because the actual slides for 10/30 (I think) were stored
backwards... Just a goof up on the pre-production side- glad to
see that the post-production can handle it! :)

> Also, some of the slides do not have links because the log file had none
> for them! I was under the assumption (I may be wrong about this) that

This is because on the first lecture, there was not enough disk space
for all the bmps and/or logs. This should not be a problem for lectures
10/30 and beyond- if it is, please let me know...
