IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference

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Flow Control


Retrieves an object from the cache. State is not maintained between executions of any macros containing GetLocal.


object, link = GetLocal(object, reset);

Name Type Default Description
object object none object to be output if nothing has been set
reset flag 0 0: the object cached by SetLocal (if there is one) is passed to output
1: object (not the cached object) is passed to output.

Name Type Description
object object retrieved object
link string link to corresponding SetLocal module

Functional Details

GetLocal works with SetLocal to place objects in and retrieve them from the cache. GetLocal differs from GetGlobal in that GetLocal and SetLocal are used when the state maintained by the Get/Set pair should be reset when a macro containing these modules is reexecuted. In contrast, GetGlobal and SetGlobal will maintain state when the macro is reexecuted. Note that for a single execution of a macro (for example, throughout the execution of an entire loop), state is of course maintained by both GetLocal and GetGlobal.


specifies the object to be output by GetLocal if nothing has been placed in the cache (e.g., as on the first execution of a visual program) or if reset = 1.


causes the module to output object. If this parameter is set to 0 (zero), GetLocal retrieves the last object placed in the cache by SetLocal (if there is one). Otherwise, the module passes object to the output.

The link output is to be connected to the link input of the corresponding SetLocal module. GetLocal should always be used with SetLocal, not with SetGlobal. SetLocal must be executed on the same machine as GetLocal (i.e., it cannot be distributed to a different machine).

It is not necessary to use the First tool to provide input to the reset parameter of GetLocal inside a macro, since this is done automatically whenever the macro is reexecuted.

A detailed description of the behavior and use of the GetLocal, GetGlobal, SetLocal, and SetGlobal modules can be found in 4.6 , "Preserving Explicit State" in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Guide.

Example Visual Programs

See Also

 Done,  First,  SetLocal,  GetGlobal,  SetGlobal,  Reset

 Chapter 4. "Data Explorer Execution Model" in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Guide.

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