IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference

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Creates a glyph (visual representation) for each data value in a data field.


glyphs = Glyph(data, type, shape, scale, ratio, min, max);

Name Type Default Description
data field none the set of points to which glyphs will be assigned
type scalar, string, field, or group input dependent glyph type
shape scalar 1.0 factor to describe the shape of the glyph (must be greater than 0)
scale scalar input dependent scale factor for size of glyphs (must be greater than 0)
ratio scalar 0.05 or 0 ratio in size (scalars or vectors) between smallest and largest glyphs
min scalar or field min of data or 0 data value that gets the minimum-size glyph
max scalar or field max of data data value that gets the maximum-size glyph

Name Type Description
glyphs color field set of glyphs

Functional Details

This module creates a glyph, or representation, for each data value in a data field (data). For data that are dependent on positions, a glyph is placed at the corresponding position. For data that are dependent on connections, a glyph is placed at the center of the corresponding connection element.

The Glyph module differs from AutoGlyph in its interpretation of the scale parameter. With Glyph, you can specify a multiplication factor that is applied to each data value to obtain the size of the glyph in world units. With AutoGlyph, the scaling is relative to the default glyph size.

To create sphere glyphs with a radius equal to the data value, set scale to 1 and both ratio and min to 0. To create arrow glyphs with length equal to the magnitude of the data value, set scale to 1.

For descriptions of the parameters, see AutoGlyph.


Creates new "positions" and "connections" components. In the case of a 3-D glyph, a "normals" component is added for shading purposes. All components that match the dependency of the "data" component are propagated to the output, all others are not. If the input has "binormals" and "tangent" components, they are not propagated to the output.

Example Visual Programs

See Also

 AutoGlyph,  Sample

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