
2nd GT Robotics Workshop

THEME: It's all about stimulating collaboration!

When: Monday, May 24, 2004 (starts at 11.30am)

and Tuesday, May 25, 2004 (ends around 5pm)

Where: Stone Mountain - Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort


Imme Ebert-Uphoff, School of Mechanical Engineering
Magnus Egerstedt, School of Electrical Engineering
Frank Dellaert, College of Computing
Tucker Balch, College of Computing


11.30am Registration

Noon Lunch

1.00 pm Introductory Comments from Workshop Organizers:

    “Outcome from last workshop, goals for this workshop”

1.30 pm Ronald Arkin: “1.333 Perspectives on Human-Robot Interaction”

2.00 pm Lena Ting: “Research Trends in Bio-Mechanics & Robotics”

2.30 pm Discussion + Break

3.00 pm Wayne Book: “Suggested Robotics Focus Topics”

    1. Passively Guided Robots Using Energy From the Environment

    2. Robotic Devices Interacting with Humans

3.30 pm Discussion

3.45 pm Sudha Yalamanchili:

“Customization of Embedded Platforms for Robotic Applications”

4.15 pm Wenjing Ye: “State-of-the-art of MEMS and Connections to Robotics”

4.45 pm Break

5.00 pm 1st Collaboration Session: TOPIC-DRIVEN GROUPS.


  1. Human-Robot Interaction
  2. Bio-Mechanics & Robotics
  3. MEMS and Connections to Robotics
  4. Robots using Energy from Environment
  5. Embedded Platforms for Robotic Applications
  6. Any topics suggested (ad hoc) by participants
  7. Participants will select their own group.

    Objective of each group:

    • Identify specific topic(s) for collaboration that uses strengths ofgroup members.
    • Brainstorm on funding opportunities.

5.50 pm Each group presents results (recorded by organizers).

6.15 pm Dinner

7.15pm Join us for a pleasant Evening Walk (several trails available, weather

permitting) followed by networking in resort bar.

TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2004

8.00 am Breakfast

8.45 am George Vachtsevanos:

    “Control Technologies for Improved Autonomy and Reliability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”

9.15 am Tucker Balch: “Ph.D. Program in Robotics, Robotics Certificate and related issues”

10.00am Break

10.15 2nd Collaboration Session: GROUP-DRIVEN TOPICS.

    Two rounds of Hat-Drawings (45 min each):

    Groups of size 3-4 will be assembled by random hat drawing of participant names.

    Objective: Each group will identify 2-3 research topics combining their members’ expertise.

    This process is hoped to yield outside-the-box ideas. Topics will be presented at the end of each round (group composition + results recorded by organizers).

11.45am Break

12 pm Lunch

1.30 pm Discussion of this morning’s presentations + Future Directions of GT Robotics Initiative:

    • Establish “Interest Groups”
    • Identify Education and Funding Strategies
    • Identify Action Items
    • Prioritize action items

2.30 pm Any other topics identified by participants.

3.30 pm (or earlier) Adjourn