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osgAR Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
osgTracker::ARTTrackerTracker interface for detecting artificial markers
osgAR::AssessmentComputes a single floating point value that corresponds to the registration error estimate
osgAR::Assessment::AggregatorCallbackUser defined aggregator
osgAR::Assessment::MetricCallbackUser defined metric
osgAR::AugmentVisitorComputes the vied dependent registration error estimate
osgExtension::CameraUser defined camera node
osgAR::CenterLabelPlacerPlaces the labels at the center of the object
osgAR::ConvexHull DEPRECATED
osgView::EntityStores path in the scene graph with this object. Used by the SpaceManager
osgAR::ErrorBounderGraphical display of ellipses, inner and outer hulls
osgEstimate::ErrorVisitorA node visitor for calculating the view independent error estimates
osgEstimate::FirstPathCombinerTransformCombiner that always chooses the first path
osgExtension::Geode DEPRECATED
osgExtension::GroupLeaf Node for grouping Drawables
osgView::HUDUsed to add to the screen Entities of the SpaceManager
osgExtension::HUD MOVED TO NAMESPACE osgView
osgExtension::Hull MOVED TO NAMESPACE osgView
osgView::HullHulls. Used by the SpaceManager
osgView::LabelLabels. Used by the SpaceManager
osgAR::LabelPlacerPlaces the labels for this object
osgAR::LabelPlacer::PlacerCallbackUser defined function to position the labels
osgAR::LOELevel Of Error class
osgExtension::MatrixEstimateDefines the estimate of the matrix
osgAR::MaxDistLabelPlacerPlaces the labels where there is the most space available
osgEstimate::OptimizerVisitorTraverse the scene and decide which nodes should be processed by the errorVisitor and the augmentVisitor
osgExtension::PendingTransformOsgExtension::Transform with undertermined value
osgAR::RegionCGALDoes the estimate computations
osgAR::RegionNoCGAL DEPRECATED. osgAR::RegionCGAL replaces it
osgAR::RTBLLabelPlacerPlaces the labels to the right, top, bottom or left of the object
osgTracker::SimulatedTrackerTracker interface for simulating a real tracker device
osgView::SpaceManagerManages all graphics that will be displayed on the HUD
osgAR::SpaceManager MOVED TO NAMESPACE osgView
osgTracker::TrackedTransformTransform associated with a tracker
osgTracker::TrackerVirtual class for trackers
osgTracker::TrackerHandlerHandles all the trackers
osgTracker::TrackerManipulatorTracker interface for updating the camera position based on a TrackedTransform
osgExtension::TransformOsg::Transform with a covariance matrix
osgEstimate::TransformCombinerCombines multiple representations of the same object
osgEstimate::TransformCombiner::FusionCallbackUser specified data fusion
osgVideo::VideoFeedCallback Class that takes video from a camera a uses as background
osgVideo::VideoSourceEncapsulates a video camera
osgVideo::VideoViewerClass that takes video from a camera a uses as background
osgTracker::vrpnManipulator DEPRECATED. USE TrackerManipulator INSTEAD!
osgTracker::VRPNTrackerTracker interface for connecting to a VRPN server

Generated on Wed Nov 17 12:22:37 2004 for osgAR by doxygen 1.3.7