IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Computes the bounding box of an Object.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Object DXBoundingBox(Object o, Point *box)

Functional Details

This routine adds to Object o, and any of its descendants that are Fields, a "box" component consisting of an Array of 2d points that are the corners of a bounding box (where d is the dimensionality of the data). For data of dimensionality three or less, the routine returns--in the Array pointed to by box--the eight corner points; for dimensionalities of one or two, the extra dimensions are treated as zero in the box returned by the routine.

The bounding box returned on o is determined by combining the bounding boxes of all Fields contained in o.

Transformations are considered in computing the bounding box, but clipping Objects are not. The bounding box is not guaranteed to be the tightest possible.

A Point is defined as follows:

typedef struct point {
float x, y, z;
} Point, Vector;

Return Value Returns o or returns NULL and may or may not set an error code, depending on the input. For example, it does not set an error code if a bounding box cannot be defined for the given input.

See Also

DXChangedComponentValues, DXChangedComponentStructure, DXEmptyField, DXEndField, DXEndObject, DXNeighbors, DXStatistics, DXValidPositionsBoundaryBox

"Standard Components".

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