IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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Creates the standard components "box" and "neighbors" that other modules expect Field f to contain.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Field DXEndField(Field f)

Functional Details

The "box" component defines the corners of an n-dimensional box that contains all of the positions described by the Field's "positions" The "neighbors" component contains information that provides a mechanism for quick access to neighboring interpolation elements.
Note:A "neighbors" component is not created for a Field with regular connections.

In addition, DXEndField sets the "dep" and "ref" attributes, if not already set, on the components listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Set Attributes
Component Attribute Value
"positions" "dep" "positions"
"connections" "ref" "positions"
"data" "dep" "positions"
"colors" "dep" "positions"
"front colors" "dep" "positions"
"back colors" "dep" "positions"
"opacities" "dep" "positions"
"tangents" "dep" "positions"
"normals" "dep" "positions"
"binormals" "dep" "positions"

During this phase, DXEndField also checks to make sure that the number of elements in a component being set to depend on the "positions" component does actually match the number of positions in the Field.

DXEndField also trims all of a Field's component Arrays to use the amount of space actually containing data as specified by DXAddArrayData. Thus, for optimal performance, DXEndField should be called just prior to returning a Field. Further, after a call to DXEndField, pointers obtained by calls to DXGetArrayData to data contained in Arrays that are components of a Field cannot be assumed valid.

If you are creating a Group that contains several Fields, then DXEndObject may be called instead on the Group structure. This will parallelize the application of the DXEndField calls to the member Fields on architectures that support parallelism.

For a more complete examination of a Field, including checks to ensure that indices contained in components that refer to other components are correct, see additional details of the Verify module in Chapter 1. "Data Explorer Tools" in IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference.

Return Value

Returns f or returns NULL and sets an error code.

See Also

DXBoundingBox, DXChangedComponentValues, DXChangedComponentStructure, DXEmptyField, DXEndObject, DXNeighbors, DXStatistics, Verify

"Standard Components".

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