Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society

Georgia Tech, Atlanta

As Cognitive Science has matured over the years, it has broadened its scope in order to address fundamental issues of cognition embedded within culturally, socially, and technologically rich environments. The Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society aimed at broad coverage of the many topics, methodologies, and disciplines that comprise Cognitive Science. The conference highlighted new ideas, theories, methods and results in a wide range of research areas relating to cognition.

The conference featured plenary addresses by invited speakers, technical paper and poster sessions, research symposia and panels, and a banquet. The conference was hosted by the Cognitive Science group of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, home of the Civil Rights movement, the 1996 Olympics, and the Dogwood Festival. Conference proceedings are available from Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ.

Click on any underlined topic for more information.

List of all paper titles, authors, abstracts, and sessions

Keyword-searchable index of paper titles, authors, abstracts, and sessions

Conference schedule and technical program

Workshop on Education in Cognitive Science

Conference Chairs
Ashwin Ram and Kurt Eiselt

Steering Committee
Dorrit Billman, Mike Byrne, Richard Catrambone, Mike Cox, Alex Kirlik, Janet Kolodner (chair), Nancy Nersessian, Mimi Recker, and Tony Simon

Please address all correspondence to:
Prof. Ashwin Ram
Cognitive Science 1994 Conference
Georgia Institute of Technology
Cognitive Science Program
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0505