UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Package edu.berkeley.guir.lib.gesture

Interface Summary
GestureContainer A collection of GestureObjects.
GestureObject Interface for gesture objects.

Class Summary
AbstractGestureContainer Provides some basic infrastructure for implementing GestureContainer.
CategoryPicker Emits ItemEvents when a category is selected or deselected.
ClassificationMatrix Displays how all example Gestures in a GestureSet were classified.
Classifier Gesture classifier/recogizer, using Dean Rubine's algorithm, with guidance from Rob Miller's C++ port, which is part of the Amulet package.
DefaultGestureObject A default implementation of a GestureObject.
DistanceMatrix Displays distances between (the means of) each GestureCategory.
FeatureArray An array of Features (Vector of FeatureVectors).
FeatureDisplay Currently, a very simple (i.e, textual) display of a feature value.
FeatureFactory Keeps a cache of features for GestureObject.
FeatureFrame Very simple display of feature values.
FeaturePicker Emits ItemEvents when a feature is selected or deselected.
FeaturePointGraph Displays a graph of Feature values for a GestureSet.
FeatureVector Vector of all features.
FPGraphFeature the part of FeaturePointGraph that graphs a single feature
FPGraphFrame Wrap a FeaturePointGraph in its own frame and add controls for it (e.g., menubar).
GestureCategory Collection of Gestures.
GestureCategoryDisplay Displays the elements (i.e.
GestureCategoryFrame Displays a gesture category (i.e., delete), and area for adding new examples.
GestureCategoryThumbnail Condenses a GestureCategory down to a small (thumbnail) display.
GestureDisplay Display a single gesture.
GestureFile An abstraction for reading & writing files containing GesturePackages
GestureInteractor Extends GestureDisplay to allow gesture to be entered with the mouse (or tablet).
GestureInteractorTest For testing the GestureInteractor class
GestureMetaSet A collection of gesture sets.
GesturePackage A collection of a training set and zero or more test sets.
GesturePointsDisplay Display a single gesture.
GestureSet Collection of GestureObjects (typically GestureGroups or GestureCategorys).
GestureSetDisplay Displays the elements (i.e.
GestureSetFrame Displays a gesture set (i.e., set of gesture classes) and allows for training and classification (i.e., recognition) of gestures.
GestureTestSet Gestures specifically for testing the recognition of a recognizer
GestureTrainingSet Gestures specifically for training a recognizer
GSStarPlot A collection of StarPlots, one for each GestureCategory in the GestureSet.
GSStarPlotFrame Wrap a GSStarPlot in a JFrame.
HumanCoords Compute the coordinates of a gesture in human feature-space.
HumanSimilarity Determines if two gestures are very similar to a person.
PlotColumn the part of FeaturePointGraph that graphs a single feature of a single category
Properties Provide I/O for properties.
StarPlotFrame Wrap a StarPlot in its own frame and add controls for it (e.g., menubar).

Exception Summary
TrainingException What you get if something goes wrong while training a Classifier.

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