UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertySchema
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.properties Intended to simplify task of creating simple, bound, constrained, and indexed properties in an extensible manner. 

Uses of PropertySchema in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.properties

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.properties that return PropertySchema
 PropertySchema FlexProperties.removeSchema(PropertySchema schema)
          Remove a schema.
 PropertySchema FlexProperties.getSchema(String strPropertyName)
          Get a reference to the property schema by its property name.

Methods in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.properties with parameters of type PropertySchema
 void FlexProperties.addSchema(PropertySchema schema)
          Add a schema.
 PropertySchema FlexProperties.removeSchema(PropertySchema schema)
          Remove a schema.
 boolean FlexProperties.containsSchema(PropertySchema schema)
          Check if it contains a certain schema.

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