UC Berkeley Group for User Interface Research
Updated November 17, 2000

Uses of Interface

Packages that use StrokeListener
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin Sketch and Transformational INfrastructure is a toolkit for creating informal sketch-based user interfaces. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter Interpreters control the state and behavior of a GraphicalObject. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands Set of interpreters to do standard commands. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.rubine Utilities for creating Interpreters that use Rubine's Recognizer. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.stroke Interpreters to manipulate strokes, such as merging nearby ones together. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects The scenegraph objects for SATIN. 
edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke Contains the basic strokes used in Satin. 
edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice SketchySpice is a sketch-based tool for drawing simple EE circuit diagrams. 

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm that implement StrokeListener
 class BrainNote
          Here's the scenegraph:
 class Brainstorm
           Revisions: 1.0.0 06-28-2000 JH Created class
 class BrainstormSheet
          A brainstorming application.
 class Label
          A label contains a bunch of TimedStroke or GObText objects.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.interpreter

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.brainstorm.interpreter that implement StrokeListener
 class LinkInterpreter
 class NoteInterpreter
          Standard gestures, like cut, copy, paste, delete, and pan.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin that implement StrokeListener
 class Sheet
          Essentially a SATIN Panel.
 class Sheet.SheetGraphicalObjectGroup
          This class handles the Graphical Objects in the sheet.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter

Subinterfaces of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter
 interface Interpreter
          Interpreters handle the interaction side of GraphicalObjects.
 interface MultiInterpreter
          A type of Interpreter that can contain multiple Interpreters.

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter that implement StrokeListener
 class DebugMultiInterpreterImpl
          Basically a collection of Interpreters, used for delegation purposes by a GraphicalObject.
 class DefaultInterpreterImpl
          An interpreter that does nothing.
 class DefaultMultiInterpreterImpl
          Basically a collection of Interpreters, used for delegation purposes by a GraphicalObject.
 class GestureCommandInterpreterImpl
          An interpreter that does commands.
 class InterpreterImpl
          The superclass for all of the types of interpreters.
 class InterpreterWrapper
          An abstract wrapper class for Interpreters.
 class MultiplexedMultiInterpreterImpl
          Let's you choose one-of-many interpreters to be active.
 class SemanticZoomInterpreterWrapper
          Makes an interpreter work on certain scales only.
 class SemanticZoomMultiInterpreterImpl
          Selects among several interpreters, and wraps each interpreter so that it is active only between programmer-specified zoom levels.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.commands that implement StrokeListener
 class AbstractSelectInterpreter
          Abstract base class for selection interpreters.
 class CircleSelectInterpreter
          Draw a gesture around many objects to select.
 class HoldSelectInterpreter
          Hold and hold on a GraphicalObject to select.
 class MoveSelectedInterpreter
          By default accepts left button only.
 class ResizeSelectedInterpreter
          Resize selected GraphicalObjects.
 class StandardGestureInterpreter
          Standard gestures, like cut, copy, paste, delete, and pan.
 class TapSelectInterpreter
          Tap on a GraphicalObject to select.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.graffiti

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.graffiti that implement StrokeListener
 class GraffitiInterpreter
          Interprets single strokes as Graffiti strokes.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.rubine

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.rubine that implement StrokeListener
 class RubineInterpreter
          Contains Rubine's recognizer.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.stroke

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.interpreter.stroke that implement StrokeListener
 class LinearizeStrokeInterpreter
          Linearize strokes.
 class MergeStrokeInterpreter
          Merge nearby strokes together.
 class SplitStrokeInterpreter
          Split strokes by drawing a line through the other.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects

Subinterfaces of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects
 interface GraphicalObject
          A GraphicalObject is anything with some state, dynamically redefinable views on that state, and dynamically redefinable behaviors to manipulate that state.
 interface GraphicalObjectGroup
          A collection of Graphical Objects that is part of the interactor tree.
 interface Patch
          A Graphical Object Group with boundaries, additional kinds of properties and behavior.

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.objects that implement StrokeListener
 class GObImage
          A GraphicalObject holding an image.
 class GObJComponentWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class GObText
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class GraphicalObjectGroupImpl
          A Group of Graphical objects.
 class GraphicalObjectImpl
          This is a sample implementation class for GraphicalObjects.
 class GraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class LineArrow
          A simple straight-line arrow.
 class PatchImpl
          A Graphical Object Group with boundaries, additional kinds of properties and behavior.
 class StickyGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class StickyXYGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.
 class StickyZGraphicalObjectWrapper
           This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software License.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.lib.satin.stroke that implement StrokeListener
 class TimedStroke
          A single Stroke that can paint itself.

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.posterboard

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.posterboard that implement StrokeListener
 class Demo
           Revisions: 1.0.0 08-12-1999 JH Created class Demo
 class Posterboard
           Revisions: 1.0.0 08-02-1999 JH Created class Posterboard

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice that implement StrokeListener
 class SketchySpice
           Revisions: 1.0.0 04-17-2000 JH Created class SketchySpice

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.interpreter

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.interpreter that implement StrokeListener
 class GateInterpreter

Uses of StrokeListener in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects

Classes in edu.berkeley.guir.sketchyspice.objects that implement StrokeListener
 class AndGate
 class Circuit
          Just a circuit.
 class Gate
          Just a Gate.
 class NotGate
 class OrGate

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