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DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz Class Reference

This is the puppet script that completes the wizard. More...

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Public Member Functions

 wooAddPositionCue (me, caller)
 wooDelPositionCue (me, caller)
 updateCues (me)
 prepareFrame (me)
 beginSprite (me)
 endSprite (me)
 updateString (me, stringID, newValue)
 positionCueZones (me)
 exitFrame (me)

Detailed Description

This is the puppet script that completes the wizard.

It makes sure that information that the wizard would like to query are available and relays commands back into the individual DART components.

At the moment the following features are implemented by the puppet Action/Cue Publishing & Execution The puppet publishes information about all existing subscribers to cues of the current frame and allows the wizard to trigger these cues (and thus fire the actions) Remote code execution The wizard can execute code from inside the puppet to monitor values PositionCue To display the current positions of individual static positionCue zones the puppet maintains a list of all currently activated zones.

The puppet serves as a good example how to use the vrpn facilities. The Cue publishing and remote code execution is based directly on vrpn shared strings

Place this behavior on the client machine (takes commands) on a Wizardry container sprite

Copyright 2004, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 --All Rights Reserved-- (See LICENSE cast member for full license information)

Member Function Documentation

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::beginSprite me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::endSprite me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::exitFrame me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::positionCueZones me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::prepareFrame me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::updateCues me   ) 

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::updateString me  ,
stringID  ,

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::wooAddPositionCue me  ,

DART_Wizardry::Puppet_Of_Oz::wooDelPositionCue me  ,

Generated on Fri Oct 8 16:38:01 2004 for DART-Lingo by doxygen 1.3.7